19. Dangerous Part 1

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~Leon Kelly~

I stumbled into my apartment. My balance unsteady and my eyes blurry. I shut my door behind me and tried to take a step forward only to stumble forward and almost hit the ground. Luckily, I recovered and caught myself.

I shook it off and had another gulp of my whiskey. I dropped my suit jacket on the couch then went to my bedroom bumping into walls. I barely made it there. As soon as I took two steps into the room, I crashed onto the floor.

I remained there for a while. Trying to regain the strength to pick myself up. I turned onto my side to try get up when I caught a glimpse of something under my bed. I saw a rectangular object. I reached in and pulled it out.

It was two picture frames. I sat up and stared at the picture in one of them. It was Zee and I, we were animated. We looked so happy together. Even as a cartoon character she looked beautiful. I went to the next frame.

It was an older picture but it hurt more to look at it. A picture of my mother and I. We were in her garden. I looked like I was done with life while she looked ecstatic. She was wearing her gardening gloves and was holding a gardening fork.

She loved her garden. To think this time last year was the last bit of time I spent with her. Two weeks from today is the day she passed last year. Its been a tough year. Though I hate to show it or admit it, it has. Zee always thought I moved on so quickly but little did she know it was all a lie.

I can't even stand seeing my mother's pictures. I had them everywhere for the whole funeral plus a week longer then I hid them all. It felt so... strange to see her face again. Not in a pleasant way. It hurt but... hurt wasnt the right word. It's like my heart went splat.

I put the frames back under my bed and forced myself up. I ended up collapsing on my bed. I didnt bother trying to adjust myself and just fell asleep there and then.

I woke up to the sound of knocking. I got up and dragged myself to the door. I unlocked it to see Mr Mpumelelo standing there.

"Mr Mpumelelo," I gasped in surprise.

"Leon... are you alright? You look-" he asked concern plastered in his face.

"I know," I sighed in interruption, "but I assure you. I'm fine. Might've had a little too much to drink last night but I'm fine."

The man stared at me like I was crazy.

"Wanna come in?" I asked him.

He gave a small nod.

I stepped aside and let him in. I closed the door behind him. I took a deep breath and made my way to the living room as normally as possible although I was tempted to drop to the floor and just crawl there.

I sat on the couch and gestured for him to sit on a single sofa.

"How can I help you?" I asked.

"There's no need. On the contrary, I'm concerned about you Leon."


He nodded. "You look like you're falling apart."

"In all honesty, I have already fallen apart. But why would you care? The relationship I had with your daughter is officially over. There's no need for you to interact with me anymore."

"Officially over?" he repeated confusion plastered on his face.

"Yeah. She dumped me two days ago. She said there's no chance we'll work out. Its over for good."

"She dumped you?!" Mr Mpumelelo exclaimed in shock.

I nodded.

"Are you ok?"

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