44. From Now till Forever

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~Leon Kelly~

I dropped to my knees with a sigh. I took a moment to pray. When I was done I got up and let out a sigh. I opened the curtains to let in natural light. I looked at my tux which hung at the door. I never thought I'd be getting married in sky blue and navy.

I can't wait to see Zee, Im sure she'll look gorgeous.

I went to brush my teeth and shower. I got dressed in sweats and a shirt. I spent the morning packing my clothes for our honeymoon. I know I should've done that like last week but I was busy. I also needed to box the last of my stuff since we weren't coming back here after the honeymoon, we were going to be immediately moving into our new home.

Karla and Ryan promised to help us make it happen. So during our two week honeymoon, they will be getting everything ready for us to move in. I'm really grateful to them. They've been a huge help. From getting us back together to getting us to our wedding day, they've been there. We really owe them.

I'm still struggling to believe Jude left Nolwazi. It was a huge shock. We were all convinced he cared. I'm surprised Nolwazi is taking it well. In fact she's taking life well. She can talk casually with Karla and Ryan. No sign of her relapsing again. Her relationship with Zee has significantly grown. She's employed at a charity foundation as a tutor for all their youngsters. Zee and I are really proud of how far shes come.

We've seen Jude around. He seems single. I spoke to him once, asked him why. He told me he just didn't see himself marrying her. He admitted to loving her but he didn't love her enough to commit to her for life. When I told Zee, she wanted his throat but I mean, I get it. If someone isn't the one, they're not the one. Nolwazi gets that, Zee just thinks he's a player.

I was drawn from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I walked out of my room and went to open the door.

"Hey!" Njabulo greeted.

"Our man of the hour!" Benjamin exclaimed meddling with my hair as he walked past.

Ryan came in last with a sigh, "Ready little brother?" I swallowed. "Nervous aren't you?" I nodded. "Happens to the best of us. Dont worry, the petrol tank is full, I checked the tyres, everyone has their attire, we're all good."

I nodded. "Thanks Ryan." I closed the door and joined my groomsmen in the living room. "Leon, don't tell me that's the hairstyle you're getting married in boet," Benjamin groaned.

"This is my signature hairstyle. I mean I know I gotta get rid of this facial hair but my hair just needs a good brush."

"Yeah no," Njabulo stated in disagreement.

"I agree with them. That hairstyle makes you look like a school boy," Ryan stated.

"Why do you all suddenly have a problem with it, it has always been my hairstyle-"

"Exactly! You're getting married! After today you're a changed man! Cant go into marriage with the same hairstyle," Benjamin stated.

"Well what are you suggesting?" I enquired.

They all went silent and stared at my head. It was awkward.

"I say he just fades the sides and gel the top to make it curl a bit but towards the back."


"I like it," Ryan said looking at Benjamin.

"Yeah, it would look good."

"Wait, what?" I enquired in confusion.

"Do you know how to do it?" Ryan asked.

"I cut my own hair, I last went to the barber five years ago," Njabulo stated.

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