40. Culture

23 1 0

~Leon Kelly~

Zee pulled over and pulled the hand brake. I looked out the window and saw my secretary approaching. Probably her job to tell the day's agenda as I arrive. That's gotta change. I let out a sigh then looked back at my fiancee. She smiled. I returned the gesture.

"We still meeting my father later?"

I nodded. "Need to get an idea of how much money I gotta start saving."

"Well, enjoy your day Mr CEO," she stated.

"And you enjoy yours Zinhle Mpumelelo." I kissed her lips, "I love you."

"Love you too."

"Good morning Aileen," I greeted as I opened the car door.

"Good morning Mr Kelly." She looked past me and nodded. She took my backpack as I stepped out of the car. She shut the door behind me then we made our way towards the building. "Is that your chauffeur?" she asked.

I stopped and looked at her, "Chauffeur?" I repeated.

"Yes, your driver. Or is she some lady you screw from time to time?"

My eyes widened at her assumption. No wonder Ryan said she'd be a problem. "Firstly, that woman, is no ordinary, random woman-"

"I apologize sir-"

"Dont, interrupt me." She went silent. "That woman is not my chauffeur, nor is she a prostitute. That woman is my fiancee. The love of my life. If you or anyone for that matter, belittles her in my presence or behind my back, I will personally ruin your life. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir."

"Secondly, I am not Ryan. I don't screw women for fun. Thirdly, know your place. From today onwards, you are never to meet me outside. You are to stay in your office when I arrive. When I call you, you may come. You are my secretary, not my personal assistant. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Good." We continued walking, "What's the first three things on the the agenda today?"

"U-um... first is the new year's brief at 9 o'clock, where you welcome everyone back and-"

"I asked what they are, not to explain," I stated as we reached the door.

She opened the door for me, "Sorry sir." I walked in as she continued. "Umm... after the brief, you have a zoom meeting with a client who would like to discuss the potential of renewing the contract for the next 5 year period. And... that's all we have on the agenda for the day."

I stopped and looked at her, "Really?"

"Seems so."

I smiled, "Good. Thank you Aileen."

We got to my office. Aileen left my bag by my desk when there was a knock in the door. "Come in," I called. I looked up to see Martin. I put on a fake smile. "Good morning."

"Compliments for the New Year."

"Thank you."

"Hope you ready for the year ahead."

"Yes, definitely."

"Have you been informed of the new year's brief?" he asked taking a seat like he owned the place.

"Yes, I have."

"Do you know how to go on about it?" Martin enquired raising a brow.

"No but I'll learn as I go along."

"Are you sure?" I shrugged, "Do you even know where the business is standing in this moment?"

"No, but I will ask Ryan to show me the papers and explain-"

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