9. Hurting

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~Leon Kelly~

I pressed the elevator button.

"Its coming from the top floor," Zee sighed.

I looked at her, "How are you feeling though? You were pretty broken yesterday, including this past week."

She looked at me with a sigh, "I'll be fine."

"I know you will. You tough like that but that doesn't mean you should hide it. It's ok to feel hurt after what he said."

"I appreciate your concern Leon but I'm ok. I just want to go to work and do what I love... even if he's not proud of me."

I pulled her into a hug with a sigh, "Its ok. I still love you, ok?"

She nodded as the elevator door opened. I broke the hug and looked up. My eyes widened at who stood inside.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Hey," Zee greeted back, stepping into the elevator.

I stepped inside without saying anything.

"I didn't get your name," Zee pointed out.

"Sherri," she smiled giving Zee a handshake.


Sherri looked at me, "Leon. It's good to see you too."

"Hi," I greeted unwillingly.

"So where did you two meet?" my fiancee asked.

"At a bar. We were both drunk but I think I was more drunk cause he drove me home and that's when we realised we live in the same flat," Sherri explained with an angelic smile.

Zee looked at me, "Right." She looked back at the woman, "It's great bumping into you."


We all stepped out of the lift and went our separate ways. I opened my car door for Zee letting her get inside. I closed the door and took the driver's seat with a sigh.


I looked at her, "Yes love?"

"Did she say you met at a bar?"

I sighed, "Yes."

"Explain yourself."

"When... you know, you were in hospital, I gave up for a while... well a day, and I went to drink it off and that's how we met. I took her home and I went home and that was the end of it."

"Ok. I trust you but I need you to keep your distance," she stated.

"Why?" I asked her.

She looked at me, "I noticed the way she looks at you. She likes you. A lot. A woman who wants something bad enough is a very dangerous woman."

I nodded, "True. I'm a little disappointed you don't trust me enough but I get where you coming from."

"I'm glad."

We arrived at her shop and I looked at her, "All I care about is getting the love back between us."

She smiled and gave me a peck on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you."

She got out of my car and walked into her shop. I started the car and drove to work. Today unlike any other day was strangely uneventful. Not that there are many events when it come to being a financial advisor, today was just strange.

No one bothered me. No one greeted me, and I'm like popular. Like politics in the workplace was non-existent today. Everyone was minding their own business for once.

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