5. Parental Practice Part 2

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~Ryan Kelly~

I took a drag out of my blunt and stared at the woman. I looked at the divorce papers on my desk and blew out a ring of smoke. I looked back at her, watching her struggle to her feet.

"You can hit me, you can whip me... you can even kill me," she looked me in the eyes, "but I won't change my mind. I want you to sign those papers."

I smirked, "Dont give me any ideas Karla... though I did try your first and last option," I sighed. I placed my blunt in the ashtray. "Since those didn't work, I think I should try your second suggestion." I took off my belt and folded it in half.

She slowly backed away staring at me in fear.

I liked it. The feeling of authority. The power I had at that moment. With a whip of a belt, I could have even more. Dont get me wrong. Im not abusing her. Im teaching her a lesson. Im clearing things out for her. She's forgotten who's in charge here. She's forgotten so much.

Like the fact that I never asked her out. Well, she didn't ask me either but her mother asked mine and due to status issues my mother made me play along. She did say that she didn't care what I did with her as long as we got married.

Since she had a few qualities worth sharing, I got her to give me children. Having her as a wife though, is just as I assumed when I married her ten years ago, boring. Im not the type of guy who likes routine. I like spice. I like unpredictable. I like adventure and she didn't quite have that.

I was willing to learn to love her but, when it just didn't work, it doesn't work. Now the bitch wants to leave me when I could've left her from day one. I've never been rejected, dumped, or left in any way whatsoever. She won't be the first.


Suddenly she scrambled to her feet and bolted off. It didnt take much for me to whip her leg before she got too far. She dropped to the ground and tried crawling away.

I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back into the study.

"No!!! Ryan!! Let me go!!" she screamed.

I dropped her and shut the door closed. I looked at her and clicked my neck.


I walked towards her.

"no please...

I raised the belt.

"please Ryan! Dont! Please..."

~Leon Kelly~

"We're really getting the hang of this," I smiled closing the bedroom behind me.

"Yeah but, I can't take another day off work," Zee stated. "And you're working."

I sighed. She had a point. "Well what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. She's only been her for a week. I doubt she's ready to go back to school."

"Yeah, she can barely have a conversation about Barbie, and she loves that plastic thing. Now imagine focusing in a school environment. Doing stuff she doesn't like."

Zee shook her head, "She won't be able to."

We were both silently thinking when she clicked her fingers.

"I got it!" she exclaimed. "Nolwazi!"

"Of course!" I agreed.

She sighed, "She's probably gonna refuse or want money though."

"Money? Nah, she's your sister. Family is meant to support each other free of charge."

"Heh," she scoffed, "You don't know my sister."

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