39. Time

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~Nolwazi Mpumelelo~

"I never thought I'd spend Christmas and New Year's in here," I sighed.

"It's all for your own good babe. Rather deal with this now than later. Though I promise next year will be a good year for us both," Jude stated holding both my hands.

"Well... how are things out there? How's Zee? Baba?"

"As far as I know, they're alright. I think Zee and Leon are getting back together. The other day she was at the shop with him, they spent the whole day together talking about God knows what... but they looked like they were having fun."

I smiled, "I'm glad."

"Your father called yesterday asking about you. I told him you're fighting and winning. Then he said 'I didn't ask what she's doing, let me reword my question, is she dying yet?" My jaw dropped as Jude laughed, "I went silent for a good ten seconds."

"Wow, so he wants me dead?"

"No, no, he was just wondering if he could come to your death bed and tell you he told you so."

"As if that makes it better."

Jude let out a sigh. I pulled my hand out of his and caressed his cheek where a scar was. "How are you doing though?"

He kissed my hand and sighed, "I miss you. I spent Christmas with friends and I don't know what to do for the New Year. I'll probably be alone though. I haven't been working for three weeks. Sometimes I go but I'm never productive. I should probably go and manage the place for Zee. She needs a break."

"I'm sorry I put you in this position Jude."

"I love you. I'd do this any day."

"Thank you."

~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

"Ok take a right here," Leon instructed. I did as I was told and found myself on a driveway. "Here we are," he sighed. "A cabin on the beach. Kanya helped me rent it out for the next two, three days."

I quickly stepped out of the car, feeling as though this was a dream. I looked around noticing how far away our neighbours were. They weren't exactly far but not as close as a neighbour would be in the city. Behind the cabin I saw the ocean in all its beauty, I knew it wasn't fake when I smelt salt and felt the moisture in the air.

I was telling Leon about how I needed a break just last week and today on New Years eve here I was on the beach. I looked over my shoulder to see him struggle but successfully get out of the car. I went and gave him a tight hug. He almost lost his balance for a moment but he recovered and wrapped one arm around me.

"Thank you," I whispered.

I broke the hug and went to take our bags before we went inside. We dropped our stuff in the bedroom then went out and sat on the patio.

"Wanna go swim?" Leon asked.

I shook my head vigorously. "Black people and water don't mix! Not that I can't swim, but the ocean, hai, the ocean is not a swimming pool."

He chuckled, "That is true. I once swam too far and had to be rescued. Wasn't a nice experience. My mother gave me one hell of a beating when we went back to the hotel while my dad just laughed."

"I would also give you a beating. Who the hell said you must swim that far?"

"In my defence, I wanted to see a shark."

"Are you mad?!" Leon burst into laughter at my reaction, "Elaine was right to beat the shit out of you! If I were her I'd beat you till you turn purple and blue!"

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