20. Dangerous Part 2

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~Nolwazi Mpumelelo~

"Done?" I asked her.

She nodded.

I collected the papers and gently tapped them on the table to get all the sheets in line.

"Are you sure about this babe?" Jude enquired.

I looked at him. He was frowning. Showing anger to hide worry.

"Yeah, this is... ouch... dangerous," Karla added getting up in pain.

I nodded at them both, "Yes. I know its dangerous. But I need to face Ryan though. He ruined me. Now I got the chance to ruin him. I'll deliver these papers and laugh in his face about being taken by the best man on earth."

Karla chuckled a bit. "I just need my bruises to subside then I'll find a job and support my family on my own. I'll prove to him I don't need him."

I smiled. I then looked at Jude. He still had that angry hiding worry face.

"Hawu, Jude, lighten up."

"This is not a good idea. Why not send the lawyer to do it?"

"Cause, we wanna get revenge!" I exclaimed.

"Revenge is dangerous!" he lashed wiping my smile off my face.

I let out a sigh. I grabbed his hand and led him to the balcony so we could talk in private.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I don't trust."

I let out a sigh and stared at the floor beneath me. Maybe he didn't trust me because of my history with Ryan. I mean, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't cause, I wouldn't trust me either. Although it hurts, we gotta be real, at some point Ryan used to be what Jude started off as for me. A much needed distraction.

Friends with benefits.

What people tend to forget is, friends with benefits are still friends. We just know each other a little too much in a strange way called benefits.

So, Ryan and I used to chill together. I'd tell him my problems, he told me small things about his wife, small things about his business but a bit more about himself. It wasn't hectic stuff though, it was just about his relationship with Elaine and his real mom and how he preferred his mom to Elaine.

My point is, we sorta had a relationship that wasn't just sex based. I mean it was but it wasn't. Like, we fucked, we chat, we drink, we smoked, it was all just a vibe. And I understand why Jude could be sceptical about me seeing him.

"I promise I won't sleep with him," I told him.

"It's not that babe," he sighed taking my hands. I looked into his eyes as he went on, "I don't trust the gent. You said he injected you with a dose of Mandrax that could've killed you. What if he does it again?"

"Oh... I understand."

"You feeling me?" I nodded. "Like I don't wanna let you walk into shit and regret it later. No babe. You always tell me about how he is and the type of relationship you had. Based off all that, I can say he's psycho."

I chuckled slightly, "Yeah... you make a fair point babe."

He sighed. "But if you really wanna... I won't stop you. I don't want this to be a dictatorship, I want you to have your freedom. I trust that knowing where I stand, you will make decisions that aren't intended to hurt me."

I smiled. I gave him a kiss on the lips as well as a grateful smile. "I'll be back for dinner."

"It's only lunchtime, of course you'll be back for dinner. If not, I'll hunt you down."

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