3. Traumas

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

We walked in and Leon closed the door behind him, locking it. We sat on the couch and looked at each other.

"What now?" Leon asked.

We had just returned after a visit to my dad. We told him about our plans to move in together tomorrow, he didn't agree. He actually went ballistic.

Leon even gave up on the idea because of it. My dad and I had a huge argument. He said some hurtful things and I'm angry right now. We actually stormed out. Well I did, and made Leon follow.

"Help me finish packing please."

"Wait, so we're going through with it?" he asked.

I nodded.


"This is my life. My choice. Whether he likes it or not, I'm moving. This is exactly the same as when I wanted to move out of his place, or when I wanted to study fashion. He didn't want me to. Now, he's over it. So I'm moving in with you. He'll get over it."

"Damn... where did this rebellion come from?"

"I always had it. I only let it surface when it's time for me to stand up for what I want."

I looked at my boyfr- fiance. He was staring at me. "Everyday I find one more thing to fall I love with."

I blushed. "Come on!" I got on my feet and led him to my room. We finished packing my stuff and moved some of them to his apartment.

"Is that it for now?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he sighed. He dropped the last box.

"I swear if there's something fragile in there, I'll kill you."

He chuckled. "You won't kill me. You love me too much." He came and held me by my waist.

I rested my arms on his shoulders with a sigh, "And what makes you so sure?"

"A lot actually. Like how much you like it when i hold, snuggle and cuddle with you. Or how you blush when I give you a complement. Or even better, how much you love my kisses."

I blushed.

"See. Look at that blush," he smiled.

"Shut up!"

"And tonight I finally get to fall asleep with you and wake up to see you at my side."

"Yes, you do."

"Wanna head to the bedroom now?" he asked pulling me by the hand towards the master bed.


I followed him to... our room. I closed the door behind him while he already plunge himself on the bed. I lay beside him with a sigh. He lay on his side facing me and I did the same. We both smiled.

"You like the bed?" Leon asked.

I tried to keep my head out of the gutter as I answered his question, "Yeah. It's comfortable, and pretty big."

"Its perfect for love making isn't it?" I gave him a look causing him to laugh. "What? Was it so bad you never wanna make love with me again?"

"No! It just... you're acting like a horny teenage boy," I told him.

He burst into laughter at my comment.

"I'm serious! You make the weirdest dirty jokes on earth! Some of them aren't even a joke they're just.. weird."

"I apologize for my inability to resist but if I wasn't making dirty jokes you'd think there's something wrong with me."


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