6. Moments

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~Leon Kelly~

"Zee! Uncle Leon!"

I groaned, "No! Go sleep!"

"Wake up!" Sydney exclaimed.

"I'm still tired," I sighed slightly opening my eyes.

"You do know its Saturday," Zee stated with her eyes still closed.

"And so?"

"We promised her a walk in the park."

I opened my eyes fully and sat up. I looked at the girl who stood smiling. I groaned and fell back. "I'll be right there Syd."


She ran out the room and I looked at Zee who still lay with her eyes closed beside me. I smiled, "Good morning gorgeous."

"Stop lying. I don't know anyone who looks good sleeping," she stated.

I laughed, "At least you know."

She hit my chest, without opening her eyes. "I don't like you."

"Yet here you are in my bed."

She smiled and opened her eyes with sigh.

I smiled back.

"Hey, you woke up in the middle of the night, did you have a bad dream?"

I sighed recalling the image, "Yeah."

"What was it about?"

I looked at her. She was focused, all her attention on me, ready to listen. I loved it when i had all her attention. It made me feel special. "I dreamt I lost you. I dreamt, you gave me back the ring."

"Why? What happened?"

I sighed. I didn't want to tell her the truth because there was something I did while she was in a coma that could bite me in the ass. I know I should just tell her before she finds out but... I can't lose Zee, plus I highly doubt she'll find out.

She took my silence for sadness and rested her hand on my cheek, "It's ok. Dont tell me but just know. I will never take this ring off-"

"You take it off when you shower though," I pointed out with a smile.

She rolled her eyes, "But I'll never give it back. Ever! Never ever! I'm yours forever."

"I'm yours too, even death won't end us."

She smiled.

I gave her a kiss and got out of bed. "Well we have to get ready to entertain this child till late afternoon. I forgot to tell her the time."

She sighed.

After freshening up, we had breakfast together as a family. Sydney helped Zee with dishes while I played music. We played a few childish games like follow the leader and I spy.

"I spy with my-" There was a kncok on the door. "little ear, something hollow," Sydney smiled.

"A knock on the door," Zee and I sighed at the same time.


We all had a good laugh as I got up and went to open the door.

"Karla, boys!" I smiled.

"Uncle Leon!"

I stepped aside letting them in.

"How are you?" Karla asked giving me a hug.


I closed the door and went to the living room to see Sydney surprisingly giving her brothers a big hug.

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