38. Making Memories

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~Ryan Kelly~

I opened the door and looked up to be tackled to the floor. Next thing I knew, I got a fist to the face. I shoved the person off me. I got up, picked them up by the shirt and pinned them to the wall.

He was a young dude with a faded box cut. A tattoo ran down his neck which wore three necklaces. He also had tattoos on his arms and was well dressed. I didn't know him though.

"What is your problem?! Who are you?!" I yelled as he tried to break free.

"You always get in the fucking way! Just when I think she's better you come into the picture!"

I then noticed the tattoo on his neck was a familiar name.


He found a way out of my grip and tripped me. I landed on my back and before I could even process it, he was strangling me, "I swear, if Nolwazi dies on me, I will kill you! Or maybe I should just kill you now so you stop bringing problems in our lives!"

His grip on my neck tightened. I began to struggle for air. I tried hitting him and kicking but nothing worked. Suddenly I heard a gun being loaded. We both looked to my right. Karla stood holding my gun pointing at the man.

"Jude, get off my husband right now."

He let me go and got off. I took in deep selfish breaths, relieved Karla had shown up.

"What are you doing here Jude?" she asked helping me to my feet.

"Your husband there is causing Nolwazi to relapse! As we speak she is in hospital cause she went into cardiac arrest after injecting herself with Mandrax!"

"How so? Ryan has been home here with me the whole of today."

"She can't stand seeing you two together. She wants him!" Jude gave me a dirty look. "I don't get it! What's so special about him?! He's not even that great looking!"

"Jude, please calm down-"

"Dont tell me to fucking calm down!! Nolwazi is dying! And she won't stop killing herself till he disappears! And I-"

"Jude," I began, "I'm sorry-"

"Sorry?!" He began to walk up to me. "My girlfriend has a drug problem because of you and all you can say is sorry?!" He pushed me. "Do you even care cheese boy?!" He pushed me again, "Huh?"

"I want to help you help her," I told him.

"How? You just going to give me a lump-sum of cash so I don't bother you again?! Huh?!" He threw a fist and I swiftly dodged it.


"You can't help me!" he yelled throwing another fist which I dodged.

I got a hold of his arm and pinned him to the wall, holding his arm against his back. "Listen to me Jude. I know how much you love her. She told me how much you'd worry if she didn't make it back home before dinner time. I know I did her wrong.

"I want to make it up to you and make it up to her. Hear me out and we can make a plan to help her. So that I don't ruin her life anymore. Please Jude. Let me help you help her."

He sighed.

I released him.

He turned and looked at me. "What's the plan?"

"I will distance myself from her for a few months. She won't see me, hear me, hear of me... nothing. That means Karla will have to avoid her too. Closest person to me she will have contact with is Leon. And I'll inform him that he can't speak of me in her presence.

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