34. Reconcile

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

"With HIV, it isn't immediately detected. There's something called the window period, this lasts between 10 and 90 days on average. During this time, the virus is invisible but contagious. Diagnosis is slim but beyond is when the virus can be diagnosed after contraction.

"So you and your partner will be tested every third week for the next four to six months. We want to catch the virus as early as possible so effective treatment can be implemented immediately. If after these few months you still test negative, it's all good but we always suggest you get tested at least every six months thereafter just to be sure.

"HIV is very silent and often symptoms only start showing when things have started to get drastic and it may have already caused AIDS. By getting treatment early, you can really slow down the virus and lower its strength significantly in comparison to someone finding out 5 years after contraction."

I nodded.

The nurse pricked my finger and brought a syringe like tool. It absorbed the escaped blood. She gave me a cotton wool to hold to my finger as she inserted the tool into the little testing machine. It beeped twice.

"In twenty minutes, we'll have results."

My heart thud heavily in my chest. I was so nervous. What if I test positive on the first test? What will my father say? I mean he said it's not a death sentence. He assured me it would be fine. But having the possibility is one thing and the reality is a complete different thing.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my thighs and let out a sigh.


I nodded. I adjusted my seating position. Placing both my feet flat on the floor as I kept wiping my sweaty hands on my thighs.

"It'll be fine."

"Yeah, it'll be fine," I told myself.

The wait was the longest I've ever experienced. I hated it. I don't know how many times I changed my seating position. Each time I made eye contact with the nurse she'd smile and tell me to breathe. I felt like she was internally laughing at me.

Like, 'Yeah, who said you mustn't use protection. See now. See what happens when you and your boyfriend get busy in the bedroom when you know you shouldn't.'

I looked at the clock, it had only been five minutes...

I sighed.

A fellow nurse came in, "Martha? Do you have gloves there?"

"Yeah, come grab."

"These idiots haven't brought stock yet and they starting to piss me off, bloody shits!" The nurse looked at me, "Waiting for results?"

I nodded.

"HIV test," my nurse sighed.

Is this not a violation of confidentiality?

The other looked at me, "At your young age? How old are you sissie?"

I gulped, "26."

I felt her judgy eyes search me. She scoffed, "Good luck."

She left with her handful of latex gloves. My nurse looked at me with a sigh and a slight smile, "Dont pay attention to her. She likes scaring young ladies like that."

I let out a deep breath and looked at the clock, it's only been another 3 minutes? Goodness... why is time ticking so slowly.

After another 12 long minutes I heard the nurse sigh, "Ok..." I let out a deep sigh and shut my eyes. "Ready for it?"

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