35. Assurance

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I parked the car and turned off the engine with a sigh. I looked beside me at Leon. He was looking at me. "You get better each day," he smiled.

I smiled back. "Yeah. I'm glad you're finally on crutches."

"And I'm glad we're both still HIV negative."

"And we'll be HIV negative for as long as we live."

"Zee, that was only the second test out of many. Let's not get our hopes too high."

"I'm usually the sceptical one and I have hope for us. You're usually the laid back, only panic when things hit breaking point one. Now suddenly we've swapped roles."

Leon sighed, "Zee, I don't panic when I know there's always going to be a way out. Right now, there is no way out. If i have it, there's no cure, I gotta live with it. And I never want to put you through that."

"You won't test positive though-"

"There's a possibility though! I could have the virus in me right now but we won't know it! It gives me fucking anxiety!" I sighed. He had a point. Catching HIV early was a mission but it was vital. Leon let out a breath, "I'm sorry."

"Dont be. I get it," I told him rubbing his back. "That's why I say... we should really just... end this."

"No!! We'll deal together!"

I had a feeling if I went further, this good day could turn into a heated argument. We've been doing that more often lately. Small things always just get in the way. So I changed the subject, "Your first day as CEO is Monday right?"

Leon nodded.


"To be honest, I'm scared."

"Why?" I chuckled looking at him, "I'm sure you'd be a great director."

"I don't know the first thing about this. In fact his employees would hate me. I am literally skipping the whole ladder and just being dropped off at the top."

"Well, maybe this is your miracle," I suggested.

He shook his head. "There's no such thing as a miracle in the corporate world. You got to put blood, sweat and tears into it, take a crazy risk or experience the worst of the worst. That's how you become an executive. This is no family business. Plus, I worked for the company's number 1 enemy and I'm sure everyone's heard about it after I stormed outta there."

"But you're brilliant with numbers. Isn't that enough?"

"No! You and Ryan got something I don't. A vision, experience and balls of steel. Business people are risk takers. Ambitious dreamers. I just sit in an office all day and chow numbers then avoid anything too risky money wise. I get Ryan is trying to be a good guy and all but I don't think I can do this."

"Ryan said, your dad picked you for a reason. I agree with him." Leon sighed. "Or maybe you could ask him to help you a bit for the first few weeks or so." I rested my hand on his shoulder, "I believe in you."

He smiled slightly.

"Lets go inside."

"How about we take a walk with Trixy instead?"

"Arent you tired? It's your first day on crutches, you need to get used to it before trying to tackle long distances."

"I'll be fine. I promise."

We got out of the car. I went upstairs to drop off the car keys and get Trixy. "Come on girl, let's go." I found her leash and clipped it on her collar. I looked around ensuring I didn't forget anything. I then left.

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