2. Regrets

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~Nolwazi Mpumelelo~

I closed the door behind me as quietly as possible. And turned around to tiptoe my way into the house. I was walking past the dining table when Trixy woke up. She was about to bark.

"Shhh," I told her.

I tiptoed the rest of the way to my room. I grabbed the door handle and slowly pulled it down. I pushed the door open and it made a slight sound.

Just a few steps to success.



I looked at my sister with an angelic smile, "Good mornig Zee."

"You didn't spend the night?"


"Where were you dressed like that?"

"Oh I was... I was at a party last night and I spent the night with a friend cause we were all like totally drunk. That included our designated driver."

My sister changed her stance, crossing her arms over her chest. She gave me a look.

"What? Haibo, can i not enjoy my youth? Lets not mention how many parties you attended when you were my age."

Zinhle smiled to herself bowing her head. "Ok! I admit I was worse off-"


"but you worry me."


"You have a drug addiction. Im worried one day it won't just be dagga but it'll be back to Mandrax. I don't want you to got through that again. And this history you have with Ryan... Im scared it's gonna come back and bite you in the ass."

"I haven't spoken to Ryan since I went to rehab. So don't worry. And as for the drugs... I've been more careful. I don't leave my drink unattended. Any offers, I reject. I ensure I know what I'm consuming."

My sister sighed.

"Zee..." she looked at me. "I know you care but I need you to trust me."

She held her arms opened and I gave her a hug. "I trust you. Just don't break my trust." She broke the hug. "I'm counting on you."


"I'm going to work. Study!"

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. I got out of my dress and took a shower. I then got into comfortable clothing. When i walked out of my room, i saw that Zee had already left and Trixy just finished eating.

She barked at my presence. "Hey Trixy," I greeted.

I opened the cabinets and checked for something to eat. "Oh my fucking gosh... is Zee on a fucking diet?! What is this? Salads? Rice salad... the fuck? Seafood... fruit juice. Fruit jam. How the hell do you call this food? Seeded low GI bread. Hai voetsek. I am making proper food."

I grabbed flour, yeast, baking powder, essence, milk and sugar. I took out baking utensils and began making my favourite, magwinya. I got music playing and sang along as I mixed the ingredients. I deep fried them and when they were ready I put them on a plate. I poured myself coke and took my food with me to the living room

I sat with my feet on the table and turned on the tv. I ate and watched the next few episodes of The Queen. It was my favourite ongoing series. Afterwards i washed the dishes and went to my room. I had a report due in three days time and I barely started.

As I sat at my desk staring at Word's tormenting cursor on the new blank page, I couldn't focus on my report. I found myself thinking of my fucked up life, my addiction, the party last night... the party last night... and the guy I fucked... did we even use protection?

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