29. Brotherhood

40 4 0

~Ryan Kelly~


I turned my head slightly to show her I was listening.

"Please get out of the room."

Since last week when we went to her parents' house I haven't left the master bedroom. All I do is sit and stare. Karla has been trying to get me out of here. Yesterday she gave up on me after breakfast yet here she was tonight, trying again.

"I thought you gave up," I told her recalling how she stormed off yesterday.

"I did," she sighed, her voice approaching. She was standing in front of me with her hands on her hips when she said, "but then I remembered how much I actually love you."

She was wearing a beige knee length dress decorated in blue flowers with short sleeves. Her hair was down and she wore a bracelet on each wrist and a few rings. Her left ring finger though, empty.

I looked up at her. She was being genuine. I could see the honesty in her eyes. I could feel myself beginning to smile ever so slightly.

She noticed.

"Come on, dinner's ready."

She pulled me to my feet and led me downstairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs and walked to the dining room. It was dimly lit by candle light. On the table dinner for two, covered by a silver dish. Rose petals clothed the empty spaces.

I looked at my ex. She was looking at me. "Still wanna go back upstairs?"

I shook my head.

We sat down. She poured us some wine. I removed my dish from over my food to see a Summer Farro Salad with grilled Steak. It looked just like restaurant food. Like a professional chef was hired to prepare it but I caught glimpses of slight changes to the recipe.

Like the sprinkled cheese on top or the baked beans she added for sweetness. I loved her cooking. Almost as much as I loved Elaine's. But I never admit that. Ever. I just ate.

We started eating. In silence. She knew I enjoyed the first part of my dinner in silence so I can process every flavour and refill my energy levels. It seemed today she cooked dinner with a little more love. It tasted amazing.

I didn't tell her.

Judging by the way she occasionally looked at me and smiled, she already knew. I was enjoying her cooking. Dinner progressed silently until she asked a question.

"So... Mr Kelly, tell me, who are you? What are your goals and ambitions? And do you genuinely want to marry me?"

I stopped eating and looked at her. The first questions she asked me on our first date after the arrangement between our mothers. I cleared my throat and had a sip of wine. "Well... a lot has changed between now and then."

"I got time."

"Well firstly, I am an abusive brother, a divorced husband, a hated father, and a disappointing son. I hope to fix my relationships. Maybe not restore them but at least fix the damage I created..."

I couldn't answer her last question.

Dinner ended in silence. We took our dishes to the kitchen. She washed them while I went up to the balcony. After a while she stood beside me with her glass of wine. I looked at her. She was twirling her wine glass left then right on the railing.

"You know... you're not really a bad guy."

"What do you mean?"

"With everything that's been going on I understand you better and I realise, it's not your fault completely. You're confused. You need help. But no one will help. I get that. I just want you to know... I love you ok?"

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