12. Broken Beings

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I lay awake in bed. My head pounding. I couldn't shed anymore tears. But my heart was still aching and my brain still couldn't process it. A few times over I thought I was still engaged but when I saw my left hand and its lack of jewellery, I was reminded that its over. I gave him back the ring. I dumped him. And it should stay that way.

I didn't think I was going to be able to go to work for the rest of this week. I couldn't even get out of bed. The thought of this situation being real just weighs me down. My entire body feels weak. I even had to drag my myself to the bathroom just to pee. I couldn't imagine getting out of bed to do anything else.

Everything just hurt.

I heard a knock on my door. I didn't even bother looking at it or saying 'come in' or 'stay out', I don't have the energy. So my father came in. He left the door opened, as he always does. He sat on my bed with a sigh.

"Are you going to work?"

I shook my head.

"Ok... would you like breakfast?"

I shook my head.

He looked shocked. "You never say no to food."

I sighed. He was right. I eat when I'm happy or sad alike. Food was bound to make me feel better or get me feeling over the moon. But today was different.

Today I wasn't heartbroken because I was dumped by a guy I really liked. Nor did I dump a piece of shit who calls himself my boyfriend. I dumped a man, but not just any man, my man, my fiance. I was ready to marry him. But he cheated.

What if he's done it before but I never noticed?

I've never even been engaged before. We had an amazing thing going. But he just had to ruin it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I didn't know if I did. Would it make me feel better or worse? My dad deserved to know though. So I nodded.

I sat up. He got up and sat beside me on the bed. I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. I let out a sigh before I began to explain.

I told him what happened from the moment Nomsa sent me a dm to the moment I walked out of the apartment.

"So, Leon and I are over," I finished trying to wipe my tears away.

My dad sighed, "I'm sorry kind. I won't say I told you because, the man had us all fooled. I genuinely started liking him."

"Its ok dad."

"Hai don't say that. It's not ok. My Zee never says no to food mara today she's not hungry. So this is serious. You said yes to marrying him. That's a huge sign of love and to have your heart crushed after that... it's not ok."

I let out a sigh, speechless. He was right. It's not ok.

"And here I was thinking you changed your mind," he chuckled. I smiled slightly. "But," he sighed, "you were always the rebel in the family. Not afraid to get kicked out of the house if it means chasing your dreams."

I spent a moment thinking of everything. I felt my insides ache and my eyes sting with tears once more. "And look where that left me..." I croaked, "broken..."

"Cha ingane yami, look at your shop. Your name."

"You called me a disappointment."

My father went silent.

"You broke me too," I sobbed, tears flooding my face.

He was silent.

"I didn't sleep for days... I can't even blame Leon for hurting me... the first man in my life broke me first. I was always a disappointment, is what he said..."

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