24. Ignore It

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~Leon Kelly~

I lay awake trying to fall asleep. It was already late and I had an appointment with a psychologist tomorrow. I needed to rest the brain.

I looked to my left where a jug of water stood along with a glass.

Maybe I needed water. I haven't been having enough since I've been here. I pressed the button on my bed to call my nurse or helper. I don't really know what I should call her. I did that several times but no one came to my rescue.

So I decided to get it myself.

I threw the blanket to the side, freeing my body. I sat up slowly and threw my legs off the bed. I looked down at them. I rarely look at the framework around them, it creeps me out. I had never tried standing before. Much less walking, but I needed water.

I took a deep breath before I slowly set myself down. I feet touched the cold floor. I let out a deep sigh.

When I got the rest of my body off the bed, I was greeted by extreme pain. My legs felt like jelly and I couldn't hold myself up so I found myself on the floor. I groaned in pain as I felt tears begin to stream down my face. Realisation hit me hard.

I really can't stand.


Just then I heard a door open.

"Sorry I'm late Mr Kelly I had another patient who- Oh my God!"

I was turned over and met eyes with my nurse. A moment later, doctors rushed in and lifted me. They gently lay me on the bed but the pain in my legs was there to stay. I was given pain killers which didn't even work.

"Mr Kelly, what happened?" my nurse enquired.

I was on the brink of tears. I was struggling to hold it in. So I cover my eyes with my arm before I explained, "I just wanted some water... I tried calling but you weren't coming... so I thought I could get it on my own..."

She and the doctor who remained in the room were silent.

"Mr Kelly, are you in pain?" the doctor asked.

I nodded.

"Tell me where."

I felt his gloved hands just below my knees. On both legs. He slowly moved moved down till he reached a rod. As he moved past the rod and to the centre part of my shin. I held in a scream.

"Here?" he asked.

I nodded vigorously.

"I suspect the tibia shifted off alignment."

"Will you have to operate again?" I asked removing my arm from my face.

"Not sure yet. We'll have to conduct an x-ray to be sure."

I sighed wiping my tears.

The doctor left as the nurse held my right hand which still had a cast on. "I'm sorry Mr Kelly. I wish I had arrived just a minute earlier."

"It's not your fault," I sniffed. "I know nurses in this country are often overworked. It's not your fault. I just really didn't believe I wouldn't be able to walk till now. Now it's real. I really can't walk. Or stand. My life is falling apart.

"This whole time I've been trying to ignore this framework around my legs. Trying to tell myself its ok. It's not that deep. It's not that bad. But it is. I don't even think I'll be discharged tomorrow because of this."

"Do you have anyone to help you around?"

I went silent.


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