25. Still in Love

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

"Hugo... stop, stop... I have to go... please stop."

He pulled away and I opened my eyes to look at him. "Ok... I'll stop. This isnt the right place." He kissed my lips. "This isn't over though."

I chuckled, "If you say so."

He kissed my lips again before he stepped back.

"I really have to go now," I told him getting off my desk and adjusting my clothing.

"Where are you going anyways?" Hugo enquired.

"I need to help a friend. They have just been discharged from hospital and need my help."


"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow night for dinner," I smiled.

"Bye Zinhle, my amnesia."

"Bye Hugo... I still need to give you a nickname."

I left my shop and went to Leon's apartment. I took out my keys and unlocked the door. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Leon?" I called.

I got to the living room to see him sitting on the floor with his back to me.

"Leon? Are you ok?"

He quickly looked at me, "Oh Zee!"

"What are you doing on the floor? Did you fall? Are you ok?"

I heard him sniff, "Yeah. Yes I'm fine. I just-"

I was standing behind him when I saw a framed picture of us in his hands. He tired to hide it when he realised I was standing there.

"Umm... could you help me up?"

I helped him back on the wheelchair and saw other pictures of us together scattered on the floor where he was seated a moment ago.

"Oh... just... umm, ignore those... I was just trying to find a better place to store them."

I got down to pick up the pictures.

I remembered the day he got them printed out. He said he wanted to pick the best one to frame and the rest he would use to make a collage somewhere.

When I finished picking up the pictures, I looked at him.

He looked like he had a lot to say. He looked like he had a lot of pain he was holding in. He looked like he needed a hug and a few kisses... he looked like he needed me. Sure I was taking care of him but, I arrived early afternoon and left late evening. But he needed me full time.

Maybe we need to talk, get on the same page. He can tell me what's bothering him and why he's changed so much. Why he's so quiet. Why he's so distant even when I try to make small talk. And then maybe I should tell him about Hugo. I owe him that much.

I looked at the pictures in my hands and sat on the couch as I looked through them. I found myself smiling slightly.

"We sure made some good memories," I sighed looking at the picture of us in Cape Town.

"We did."

"And you could make the funniest faces," I laughed at a picture of him trying to photo-bomb my selfie.

"I could."

I got to the last picture. My favourite. He was wearing a fedora and fake glasses while I wore glasses with a fake moustache attached. "We were such a nice couple."

"We were."

I looked at him.

He stared at the framed picture in his hands. "We were so happy together. But no matter how many times I rejected Sherri in your absence, it wasn't enough. No matter how hard she tried to tempt me, I never gave in. But that wasn't enough."

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