14. Forget

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~Ryan Kelly~

I shut the door behind me, hearing the windows vibrate at the bang. I looked at Karla backing away in fear.

I stopped approaching her and let out a sigh raking my hair back. "What the hell is the matter with you woman?! It's top of the morning and I'm trying not to get irritated with you but it's like you're asking for it!"

"I'm not asking for it," she blurted out shaking her head vigorously.

"But it seems like you are!"

"But... but... what did I do?"

"What did you do? Well that's simple, you threatened to leave me."

"But I didn't!"

"You did. You said, I quote, "If you dare do that to our children I won't hesitate to leave you". That's what you said."

"B-but I was just-"

"Dont fukcing play dumb!" I yelled.

"It's not my fault you're afraid of being lonely!" she yelled back.

My eyes widened. What did she just say?

I stormed up to her as she again backed away till she hit the wall. "Ryan! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Ryan-"

I raised my fist and didn't hesitate to complete the attack, giving her a fist to the cheek. She dropped to the floor but I didn't stop. She needed to know who's boss. She needed to know who it was she was talking to.

I gave her punches to the body as she screamed and cried.

"Shut up!!" I yelled getting up to kick her.

She suddenly scrambled to the door on her knees. Before I could catch her she was out and trying to get away.

"Where do you think you're going bitch!"

I finally grabbed her by her hair and pulled her onto her feet. I was about to give her another blow to the face when she screamed, "Sydney's in her room!!"

I froze in my action, letting out puffs of rage.

"What if she hears you?"

Unwillingly, I let her go. I wasn't done punishing her but my daughter was a child, she wouldn't understand why.

I let out a puff and gallop down the stairs. I grabbed my briefcase and my phone then went to work.

"Morning sir. You have a few-"

"Not now!" I interrupted my secretary. I stormed into my office to see Jane seated in my seat. I shut the door .

"Hello Ryan."


She got up and walked up to me, "Whats wrong? You look irritated."

"My wife's irritating."

"Mmm, about your wive.... what happened last over the phone. I didn't like that."


"Cause that was harsh. Even I wouldn't encourage you to do that to a fellow woman."

"It's not my fault she was listening."

"Were you in the car?"

"That's no excuse tho-"

"She has nowhere else to go if she's stuck in the car with you. That was just plain evil."

I rolled my eyes. "Well its in the past now. We both know you're here for something else." I dropped my briefcase and walked into her, grabbing her waist.

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