28. Struggling On

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I walked into the shop, greeting fellow staff. I went to my office to see Jude there.

"Good morning," I greeted.

"Sup bozza," he greeted.

"How's the collection going?" I asked taking my seat with a sigh.


"Done?!" I repeated.

Jude nodded.

"Like prototype and alles?"

"Yeah. Today we're doing the photo-shoot. I just need you to approve of them since it's your business name on the line here."

I stared at him in shock. "Wow... well... let's see them."

Jude placed a file in front of me. "Here are the original designs that I drew. I went with the theme of summer weather conditions. Very different. I know. But I was trying to create something no one else would think about. So simple that no one would consider. And that's what I came up with."

I carefully analysed each design. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Umm... Jude... could you leave me with these. I really need to analyse and explore each one carefully so I won't be done in just an hour."

"I-i-is there something wrong? Should I hold up the photo-shoot?"

"No. No. Dont worry. I'll find you if there's a problem. We still got a few days."


Jude left. I pulled out the first sheet of paper. I analysed the shape, each combination of designs, each colour and line. Then took into account the overall appearance and the theme he followed.

I sat there for a good half hour per design. I analysed every one carefully. I dissected each of them. Taking in every element. From the basics. Tones, textures, lines, shape and sizes. Everything. I really saw the theme in each and every design.

From the sunny day, to the stormy nights. From clear skies to grey clouds. Each and every weather condition he tried to imitate through the designs was clear. When I finished with the last one I looked at all the sheets of paper spread out on my desk.

I needed to speak to him.

I packed up all the papers and put them back in their file. I grabbed my phone and walked out my office.

"Thando?" I called the employee who was walking past.


"Do you know where Jude is for the shoot?"

"He went to Auckland Botanical Garden."

"That's a fifteen minute drive," I groaned to myself. "Thank you."

I decided to stay put and just get on the tasks ahead. I had to look at our finances in both branches. I receive three requests that I needed to get started on and I needed to add new designs to the retail.

I missed this though.

Going up and down between tasks. From taking care of customers, to checking stock, to looking at numbers, to dealing with angry clients. It was this hecticness that I loved most about my business. I knew this wouldn't last forever. So I cherished every moment of it.

Yes, it was quite the workout, walking from my office to the till to leading customers to the fitting rooms. Yes, it was irritating having an angry middle aged woman screaming in your face cause she can't pick the right size for herself. And yes, it is stressful to have clients request some thing hectic as it is then give you a hectic deadline.

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