11. Honesty's the Best Policy

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~Nolwazi Mpumelelo~

I was giving Trixy a bath when I heard a knock on the door. I let out a sigh, "I worder who's at the door."

Trixy let out a bark as I walked out the bathroom. I grabbed keys and opened the door to see Jude. He was nicely dressed.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hi," he smiled.

"Come in," I stepped aside and let him in before closing the door behind him.

I cleared my throat and asked, "So, how you doing?"

He let out a deep breath, "Good," he blurted out with a nod. "I'm great... um, how about you?"

"I'm good," I stated. "I was grooming Trixy."


"Yeah... wanna help?"

"I uhh... actually... wanted, to talk to you."

"Ok... in that case, take a seat, I'll be back."

He nervously sat on the couch as I returned to the bathroom confused.

Jude and I have hung out quite often over this past month of our little agreement. We've fucked a few times but often we share drinks, music and vibes. We always have good laughs together. For a man he has gossip.

Like damn.... never in my life, have I met a man who loves gossip as much as Jude like geez. Man's a diva in a man's body. He has tea for days, and spice to scar you for life. And his beef with people... I mean it's probably made up but it would make for some killer tv.

Anyways, I finished giving Trixy a bath. I decided I'd finish her grooming later or on another day. It would probably be done another day since we're celebrating yesterday's success at Zee's place tonight. I wonder what we'll be doing.

I joined Jude in the living room, and sat on the couch beside him.

"So. What's up? Why are you dressed up?"

"Oh um... Zee's having a party later on at her place to celebrate yesterday's success."

"Oh, yeah. Forgot you were part of it for a moment there," I nodded. I let out a sigh and looked at him, "Still can't stand seeing them together?"

Jude cleared his throat before he spoke, "Actually, i can. I dont mind. He can have her."

I was taken aback by his words. Jude has always been obsessed with my sister. His sudden change in attitude towards the relationship Zee has with Leon is shockingly.... shocking, for a lack of better words. I am bewildered by this actually.

"Thing is... I have someone else in mind."

My eyes widened. I cleared my throat, "Really?" I enquired.


I looked down at the floor. To be honest, I was a little disappointed because well.... in a friends with benefits relationship, one is bound to catch feelings. I think I have. I have caught feelings for Jude. So hearing of him moving on has me feeling mixed emotions.

I mean I'm glad he's moving on. Everyone deserves to be happy. Except for me, I guess. "What's her name?" I asked him, trying to sound normal.

He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "Umm... Nolwazi."

I looked at him. He was looking at me. "M-m-me?"

He nodded. He took my hand, "I know you might say no. I know its messed up to go after your ex's sister. But Nolwazi, each time we're together. Whether we're drinking or jiving, I'm happy and... Zee doesn't exist in my mind... only you. I want that to be my life everyday.

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