33. Talk

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~Ryan Kelly~

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oooh fuck yes!"

"Oh shit!" I yelled as I felt myself come inside her. "Oh shit!! Fuck we didn't use protection Nowlazi-"

She covered my mouth with her hand. Grinding herself on me with her eyes shut for the last bit of pleasure her body could take. "Oh fuckkkk..." she removed her hand from my mouth, grabbed mine and brought it to her entrance as she leaned back.

I understood her message and fingered her clit at rocket speed and a few seconds later she had her climax. She pulled me out and her cum along with mine spilt out of her and onto my chest.

We were both breathless. I didn't know if she was feeling as numb as I was. She collapsed beside me with a sigh. I grabbed the tissue box off the bedside table and cleaned my chest. When I was finished I pulled a blanket over us and lay on my side behind her wrapping my arm around her.

I kissed her neck. "That was great."

"Yeah," she sighed. "I haven't had an orgasm like that in a long time. And it seems your dick is working again."

"I've been taking pills."

"Mmm... well, at least it didn't take away your skill."

"Yeah... I totally forgot to bring protection though."

"I'm on birth control. Dont worry. You can't play with fire if you're nowhere near water."

"You're not the first woman to tell me that."

We lay in silence for a while to catch our breaths. It felt good to be with her, though I kind of felt bad for leaving Karla the way I did. Maybe I should have stayed.

"Is everything ok though? I thought you were with Karla. You made it clear that you..." The pause was quite dramatic. "love her," she finished quickly.

I sighed, "She called my mother crazy. But I know my mother wasn't crazy. She was hurt. She was misunderstood. She was lonely. She was addicted maybe... but not crazy."

She caressed my arm. "I understand."

"I slapped her again..." Nolwazi looked me. "It was a mistake. I was angry and I wasn't going to tolerate my mother's name being dragged in the mud."

"Did your mother not rape you?" I went silent. I sat up and turned away. "I asked you a question Ryan, and it wasn't rhetorical." I got out of bed and found my underwear to put it on. I was growing frustrated. All these people thought she was crazy but she wasn't. "Answer me Ryan."

I didn't look at her as I answered, "She had my consent though-"

"Would you allow your daughter to give consent on her own?"

I shot a glare at her. She sat staring at me. "Thats different-"

"No! It's exactly the same. She's a child, you were a child. Ok then... if you are touched by me using your daughter as an example how about your sons huh? Would you allow Michael to give his consent to a woman old enough to be his mother? Or, or, what if Karla was raping your children would you just let her?"

I gulped cause she was onto something. She was cornering me. She got out of bed and made her way to me, bringing nothing but her nude self. "Nolwazi, she was my mother though," I told her.

"I know. That's why I don't blame you. I'm not saying you should have known better or anything like that. Plus your mother's not here, so I can't ask her questions either. So I understand your frustration. I dont know both sides of the story so I have no right to say she was crazy. But you have to accept who she was. A rapist"

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