13. Bleeding Heart

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~Zinhle Mpumelelo~

I let out a deep sigh and finally got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I got into simple clothing and went to the kitchen where my father was making breakfast.

"Hawu, Zinhle, good morning," he greeted in surprise.

"Good morning dad," I greeted back.

"Up already?"

"You know me, business comes first."

"Just don't overwork yourself. Breakfast?"

"Yes please! I'm dying!"

"Thats more like it!"

I laughed at is response as I leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Umm... my kind," he began, "listen, I'm sorry I called you a disappointment. I didn't realise what exactly it is I said and how much it hurt you. The truth is, I could never be prouder of you than I am now. I'm very proud Zinhle, and your mother is too."

"Ngiyabonga baba."

"I love you ok?"

"I love you too."

He gave me a hug and a kiss to the forehead, making my day.

After breakfast I went to work. I was walking to my office when I walked past Kanya speaking to an employee.

"Zee won't be in for a while so we need to ensure-" She saw me, "Actually, never mind!" She followed me into my office and closed the door behind her. "Chomi," she gave me a hug with a sigh, "How are you?"

I broke the hug, "I'm fine friend."


I nodded. "The only way to get back up, is to get back up."

"Tata girl," she smiled, "you've always been the tougher one between us so why am I so surprised-"

"Uhh girl! But let's admit you've got the looks."

"Says the one who's always got a new man!"

"Only reason you don't ever have a man is cause you're over-qualified for the shitty guys. You need you someone at your level-"


"Someone who'll love you, honour and cherish you-"

"Preach it!"

"Someone who'll be honest with you. Who won't look you in the eyes and lie to you," she suddenly went silent. "Who won't cheat on you."

"Zee," she sighed taking both my hands as I felt my eyes sting with tears. "You're not ok."

"I'm really not. He broke me..."

"Girl friend... I'm so sorry."

"Dont be-"

"No! Zee, go home."

I shook my head and wiped my tears, "No, I'll be fine."

"I know you trying to be tough and all but trying to hold it in and act ok isn't good for you."

"You know... I always thought Leon was the perfect man... the only completely honest man I knew, the love of my life... I thought he was the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I'm starting to think Jude was better."

"Oooh... about Jude..." I looked at her. "I saw him lamzaring your sister-"


~Leon Kelly~

I woke up to a very strange feeling. I could feel something wet around my... wait a second. I then became aware of the extra weight on top of me. Mostly on my lower half though. I felt human hands on my... bare thighs actually.

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