Chapter 42: It's the end, for now

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It's been a year since since meeting Vinny, i've been on tour with my family, meeting new people and doing new things. Vinny and I have a band now, it's just the two of us and we don't have a name yet, but dad lets him come over and play music with me, even letting us use the little studio room in the house. I cut Olivia off completely, although she has tried to ruin me on social media, me and my family's supporters have shut her down instantly. We haven't heard anything from my stalker in a long time, but sometimes at night, I swear I can hear a car pull up to the house, stay for maybe ten minutes before they leave.

It's June 3rd, the beginning of summer for me and i'm sitting in my room texting Vinny about having him over today. I hear a soft knock on my door and then my mom, dad, uncle rem and uncle em walk in. Mom and dad sit on the end of my bed, Remington and Emerson sit on the love seat in the corner of my room.

"Ivy, we were all thinking, this summer none of us will be available and we can't take care of you properly. Although you're old enough to take care of yourself, we can't leave you here for two months." Sebastian starts, Larisa looks like at him, not wanting to speak.

"We think maybe it would be best to send you off to live with your grandmother this summer." Remington finishes for them, not wanting to scare me.

"Oh, well that's not so bad, just the city over!" I smile but none of them smile back at me. This is when I knew there was more to the plan.

"Well, no not really. Your grandma is going to Louisiana for the summer." Larisa confessed, that was the bad news for me.

"But it's okay! you really liked Louisiana when we went there on tour a year ago, it'll be so fun for you" Emerson tried to make me feel better about leaving everyone for over two months.

"But, what about Vinny?? we have a band, we can't practice for over two months now? and I can't see my family?" My eyes started to water, trying to hold back my tears.

"We're sorry Ivy but none of us are gonna be here to take care of you, we will all still call and text you whenever we can, you'll have so much fun with your grandma" Sebastian was struggling to find the brightside of this, knowing I hate being away from the family.

I shook my head at them and stayed silent for a minute, as they tried to explain to me all the fun things I could do. Looking out the window I notice the sun is starting to set, it'll be getting dark in the next hour. I stood up and snatched my phone off the bed, leaving my room and everyone calling after me. I picked up the pace, sprinting to the door when i heard someone walking out of my room. Once I left the house I darted immediately down our street and across the neighborhood.

About thirty minutes had passed and I made it to the woods. The sun continued to set and I could hear the crickets and cicadas. The air was humid and my neck was dripping sweat. My phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts from my whole family, even my grandmother. I walked in the woods till I came up to the clearing, it had a very old torn up couch that Vinny and I found while we were out here once and dragged back to this clearing. The couch was sprinkled with leaves and had burn holes in the arms. It wasn't perfect but I felt safe.

I was here for maybe five minutes alone when I heard the leaves crunching and a figure in the trees. I had grabbed the large stick that was sitting next to the couch, standing up slowly. The figure came closer but as I raised the stick in the air, I noticed it was Vinny.

"Ivy! i'm so glad you're safe at least" he had a look of relief on his face and opened his arms for me. He was wearing a Behemoth shirt, his black jean jacket, black jeans and converse. His hair now reaches his lower back and it's black. He had his eyebrow pierced a few months ago when he got his new car. Vinny is very handsome and I can't deny that, especially when he looks so worried about me.

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