Chapter 37: Hallucinations

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After I beat Sebastians ass, I went to hang out with Remington. I walked to the backstage, no one but managers and employees of the venue. I walked outside to where the bus was, no one except a manager and the sound of the generator. I went around to the front of the venue, no one except fans waiting in line. I decided to walk all the way around the building, maybe Remington is hanging out with fans. The fans wave to me, telling me hi and recording me walking. I waved, smiled at the fans. But still, I don't see Remington anywhere. Maybe he's on the bus?

I walked all the way back to the bus, walked on the bus to see no one. Just the sound of the generator outside and the soft snores of the bus driver. Where did he go? Now I'm starting to panic. I ran back inside the venue, hoping to find Emerson or Sebastian, or even Daniel or Andrew. Still, no one was here. I looked around in every corner and area but I've only seen employees and managers. My world starts spinning, my heart is racing, my breathing starts to go faster, the walls start closing in on me so fast-

"Hey Ivy sorry we- hey what's wrong???" I heard Remingtons voice, I looked at the back door and there was Remington.

"Remmy.." I start to turn to move but stumble, Remington rushes over to my side.

"Hey hey hey it's okay I'm here what's wrong" he puts his hand on my chest, feeling my heart racing.

"Ivy look at me, can you look at me??" But when I looked at him, his face started to morph into almost nothing. I let out a scream and fall back away from him.

"DAD!!! HELP!" I yelled, curling up on the floor, still screaming for Sebastian.

"Ivy stop it's okay! Hey I'm right here what's wrong?!?" Remington got down on the floor, trying to calm me down. I looked back up at him to see everything was fine.

"Ivy what happened angel?!" Sebastian rushes in, seeing me on the floor, tears streaming down my face, Remington by my side

"I-I-I couldn't.. I didn't..I don't know what.." I tried explaining in between breathes, Sebastian pulled me into a hug

"I tried to calm her down but she looked at me and screamed" Remingtons voice full of hurt and confusion.

"It's okay Rem, she must have been freaked out is all" Sebastian picks me up, bringing me over to the edge of the stage. He sits me down, then tells Remington to go get me water.

I explained everything to Sebastian. He was confused but said I could have been dehydrated and seeing things. But what I don't understand is why I keep seeing things that aren't real. I keep seeing Blake behind me or in my dreams, now Remingtons face turned to nothing. I don't know what's going on anymore.

Later that evening, Remington sent me to go greet the fans coming in. I happily made my way to the door, excited to see everyone. The fans cheered as I walked outside and waved for them to come in. I walked back in and waited for everyone to come inside. While greeting, I seen the girl from earlier with her friend. She gave me a surprised look as I waved to them, like I was doing with everyone else.

Once everyone was inside, I made my way to the backstage to wait. I walked to the back, turned my head to see Blake standing in the corner of the room, the exact same clothes he was wearing the day he passed. I stumbled backwards, bumping into someone behind me. I let out a shriek but feel two hands on my shoulders, spinning me around to look at them.

"Ivy what happened??" It was Daniel, he had his bass slung around his back.

"I seen someone in the corner!" I turned to point at the corner, wondering if he can see it too.

"It must have been a manager or something cause no one is there now. I have to go on stage now but you can go sit on the side stage if it helps" he patted my shoulder before running off to the stage.

After the show and meet and greet, we started packing up our stuff before heading to the bus. I walked on to the bus and to my bunk to settle down before the guys get on. When they get on, I know they will be celebrating.

"Alright thennnn shots anyone??" The door swings open, Sebastians voice booming through the room. Like I said.

"Of course, IVY!! Shots???" Remington calls for me, I get up and walk to the living space.

"Remington she's like fourteen, chill.." Emerson laughs, pulling me on the couch next to him.

"Oh so you are you saying I can't handle alcohol like a woman? Bring it." I turn to Sebastian who is pouring shots into plastic shot glasses.

He looks at me hesitantly before pouring another shot and handing it to me. "To the tour!!" He shouts, we all down our shots.

"How was that kid??" Daniel says to me, assuming I'm going to be begging for water.

"Could be worse, how about you Danny boy?" I cross my arms, mocking him.

Later on that night, the boys were still going strong, I was sprawled out on the couch, my head resting on Emerson's lap. He wasn't in the mood to be up dancing and moving around. I was on my phone, talking to Olivia. She was talking about how she was excited to see me soon. I smiled at her messages, I can almost hear her excitement through text.

"Ooo who are you texting??" Emerson smiles at me, looking at my phone.

"Just Olivia, can't wait to see her soon" I smile at him, feeling my heart skip a beat just thinking about her.

At 1:32 am, everyone finally was going to bed. So was I of course. I slipped into my pajama pants and my comfort hoodie before climbing into my bunk and turning out my mini led lamp. What even happened today?? What did I see? Why did I see what I seen?.. they must have just been hallucinations. Yeah.

I woke up sweating after another bad dream. I rolled out of bed and walked into the living space to the cabinets. I opened them looking for something to eat. I look over at the digital clock, 4:52 am.

"Morning Ivy" I hear a voice from behind me. I jump, grabbing a knife out of the knife holder. It was Emerson on the couch in the dark.

"Emerson you son of a bitch you scared me..what are you doing in the dark?" My hand resting over my racing heart

"Couldn't sleep, needed to draw" he says turning his sketchbook around to show me.

"Seems like I'll be joining you then" I set the knife down and sat next to Emerson, curling up against his side

He stopped drawing, placing his sketchbook and sharpie on the table. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"Ivy I'm so glad you joined our family, you are the best niece a person could ever ask for. I try so hard to be the best uncle, and your best friend. I know what it was like to be a kid your age, feeling lost or alone sometimes.. I never want you to feel so alone. I will always be here for you to support you in everything you do. Anything and everything, I will be right by your side. You're not alone, ever. You will always have me, Remington and Sebastian to help you. You even have an amazing Aunt Shy that will also be here for you and an amazing Mother like Larisa. I'm just so happy we could give you the life you deserve. I love you Ivy, always remember that"

Hello everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I put a lot of work into it and wanted to make it interesting and more detailed. Sorry it took so long though. I will be starting high school next week so the chapters may or may not be published even slower. I will still try my best for you all though. I love you all so much, thank you for supporting me~!

-Elizabeth (or as someone called me, child)

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