Chapter 20: Fight Me

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It's a Monday morning. Remington just came in to wake me up. I walk over to my closet and pick out my outfit. I settled on black jeans, black and white sweater and black converse. I get dressed and put my hair up in a bun. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch, putting my shoes on. "Good morning baby Ivy" Sebastian says, kissing my head and walking to the kitchen to make some tea. Emerson and Remington walk downstairs together and smile at me. "Morning guys" I say, standing up and walking over to the fridge to fill up my bottle with Apple juice. Yes, I go to school with a water bottle of juice. (Legit, I do) I grab my bag and my phone and wait for Sebastian.

Sebastian drops me off at school and I walk over to Jasper. Giving him a hug and a kiss. Two girls walk up the steps to our schools doors, they look at us and start laughing. "Look it's Casper the ugly ghost! And his little bitch" The girl with the skeleton like body, wearing a tight blue shirt, pink shorts and low top white converse. "Fucking emo freaks, Casper it looks like you have a suicide buddy" The other girl, wearing the same thing as the other, thicker body type, says while smacking the book in Jaspers hand to the ground. I stand in front of him and glare at her "Stay the fuck away from us, stupid bitch" I say, a dark tone in my voice. The bell rings, they laugh and walk away.

Its 4th period, the period before lunch. I'm talking to Seven about life. "Seven what's your full name?" I ask. "Saturn Star Lovern" he mumbles. "Wait your real name isn't Seven??" My eyes go wide. He nods. "Why did you change it??" I ask, he frowns a little. "Everyone made fun of me..." he mumbles. "Oh, I like the name Saturn" I smile and he smiles too. "Thanks" As he finishes what he is saying, the bell rings. I start walking to lunch when those bitches walk up to me again. "Hey emo slut" The thick one said. Found out her name is Jasmine. The thin one is Jane. "What do you want?" I glare. "Fucking your little emo boy friend while you slit your wrist?" Jane smiles and laughs a little. "Fuck you" I say, still glaring. "What did you just say to me?" Jane crosses her arms. "I said FUCK YOU" I yelled at her. Jasmine pushes me roughly twice. That's it. I punched her in the face and grabbed her by her hair, slamming her face in my knee over and over. She finally punches me in eye and scratches my arm with her nails. Finally, Jasper runs over and pulls me away from her. I look up to see her crying and whipping blood off her lip and nose. I laugh so hard that I fall into Jaspers arms. Teachers are pulling her one way and me the other. I'm still fucking laughing at her dumbass.

I'm now sitting in the office, getting questioned. Also getting yelled at, but not too bad because I didn't start the fight but bad because I beat her up so bad. Honestly I dont even feel bad, she had it coming. The little bitches should have kept their mouth shut.

*Sebastians POV*
We are sitting in the music room, working on a new song. My phone starts to ring, it's the school. "Hello?" I say, wondering what happened. "Hi Mr. Kropp? You need to come down to the school. Ivy got in a fight" The lady on the phone says. Oh no. She better not have started anything. I hope she is okay.

*Ivys POV*
I'm still sitting in the office, waiting for Sebastian. Soon Sebastian walks into the office with a concerned look. The guidance councillor sits down and sighs. Before he speaks, Jasmine walks into the room with another teacher, band aids all over with tissues covered in blood. She's still crying like a little bitch. Another lady walks in and glares at us. "You hurt my daughter!!!!" The lady screams at me. "Your daughter is a bitch" I giggle. "She did nothing wrong!!" Her mom yells again. "Yeah she did, she pushed me first so I beat her ass. Check the cameras" I smiled and her mouth dropped. They checked the cameras, her mom was STILL being a bitch. Sebastian yelled at the lady and I got written up.

We got in the car and left. I have been suspended for tommorow. "Good job Ivy, so proud of you" Sebastian smiled and gave me a high five. We pull into the drive way and I step out. I open the door and walk in, Rem and Em running to me. "Baby Ivy are you okay???" Remington puts his hands on the sides of my heads and looks at my face worried. Emerson rushes me to the bathroom and sits me down on the sink. They start pulling out the first aid kit. I turn around to look at myself. A cut on one side of my cheek from the bitches ring, two decent sized scratches on my jaw from her nails and my lip also has a cut from her nail. "I'm okay, I beat her ass" I smiled. "Nice Job" Emerson smiles at me, opening a band aid. "That's my girl" Remington smiles and gives me a high five. "How bad is she?" Emerson asks. "Pretty bad" Sebastian says walking past us, laughing. "She is gonna have a black eye, her nose was bleeding, lip was bleeding, her jaw might be bruised" as I list what I did, they shake their heads and smile to each other.

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