Chapter 6:Friday!!! school day.

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It's been a couple days since the incident, Sebastian is okay now. He was very sorry and hoped I would understand. It's thursday, the night before I go to school. I'm going on a Friday so can Relax the next day. Well for a while until we have to go to the award show. My dress is pretty much done Ellie said. She said there are some finishing touches she must make. The guys walk into my room. They sit on my bed and smile. "Time for bed, you have school tomorrow" Sebastian says. "You gotta be ready" Remington says. "You can't fall asleep in class" Emerson says. They get up and kiss my forehead saying goodnight. Sebastian smiles at me and turns my light off, shutting the door behind him. I don't wanna go to school.

I wake up to someone turning the light on in my room. "Time to get up!" Sebastian says happily. I roll over. "Ivy come on sweetheart!" He says. I don't answer. "Ivy...lets go" Sebastian says again. "Ivy get the fuck up!!!" Remington screams. I roll over and fall out of bed. "Good" he walks out of my room. I get up and look at Sebastian. He smiles and tells me to get ready. After he leaves I look over at my bed. There is a set of clothes with a note. The note says
Dear Ivy, a new outfit for a new and first day of school! Hope you like it -Remington
I smile and get dressed. Thanks Remington.

I walk downstairs to see the boys in the kitchen, tired as hell. "Good morning!" The boys shout. I nod and walk over to them. "You look beautiful dear" Sebastian says. "Absolutely adorable" Emerson says. "My girl" Remington finishes. I giggle and grab the plate of food Emerson hands me.

After eating I grab my bag and my new phone that Sebastian bought me. I head out to car and the boys get in after me. Once we pull up to the school I get out of the car and the guys get out too. They bend down to my level and Sebastian puts his hand on my shoulder. "You can do this girly, I believe in you" he says with a smile "Be good, have fun, make friends" Emerson says. "If someone messes with you, don't hit first, if they hit you then punch them in the fucking face" Remington says. "Have fun though, bye Ivy baby" Sebastian says. I get a hug and a kiss from them all and Sebastian hands me a schedule.

I walk in the school and everything is crazy, I walk around and soon I find the office. "Um, I'm new here" I say to the lady. "Oh! Name?" The lady smiles. "Ivy Kropp" I answer. "Ohhh okay, I will send a student in with the same schedule as you in a minute" she says and I nod.

After waiting for a while, a boy with dark blue hair walks in. "Hi, I'm Jasper" He says reaching his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand "Ivy" I say softly. He smiles and takes me out to the hallways. We walk down a couple halls until we get to the first class of the day. He opens the door for me and I thank him.

It's now lunch time and Jasper is somewhere behind me with a friend. A group of boys walk towards me. They stop in front of me "Hey, new girl right? Damn that's a shame" one says "Shame that you will deal with us for the rest of the year" another says "What's the makeup for? Drag queen gone wrong?" They laugh. "Hey back the fuck off of her" Jasper says wrapping his arm around me. "Ooo Casper the ghost got a girlfriend" they tease. Jasper rolls his eyes and pulls me away from them, walking me to lunch with his arm around my waist.

It's the end of the day and I'm waiting outside for the boys. Someone sits next to me, I look over see Jasper. "I'm sorry about grabbing your waist, I was trying to protect you" he says softly. "Thank you" I smile at him. He smiles back and nods. We talk for a while and exchange numbers. My ride pulls up and I stand. "I gotta go, see you on Monday. Text me though" he stands up and we have an awkward side hug. I walk over to the car and get in. "Who was that boy?" Sebastian asks. "Oh he guided me around today, protected me from bullies and we became friends" I tell him and giggle. "Sure" Sebastian says. I roll my eyes and Emerson screams I got a boyfriend. "I will beat his ass if he hurts you!" Remington says. "His name is Jasper and he won't hurt me" I laugh. I had a good day.

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