Chapter 33: Just one day

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"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD REMINGTON WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON" and with that, my eyes shot open and I fell out of bed with a loud thud. I hear someone rush around the living room, up the stairs, down the hall and my door slams opened.

"Ivy! Are you okay??" Emerson gets down on his knees, pulling me up to him.

"Hi yes good morning you loud ass man children" I shake my head, leaning against Emerson as he picks me up, setting me back down on my bed.

He rushes back out when he hears a pan drop and a string of cussing, telling me to stay put. Of course, why would I listen to him. I sneak down the hall and to the stairs where I wait, peeking behind the corner to look at the problem in the kitchen. Emerson started washing dishes, Remington cleaning a mess of burnt food on the floor and Sebastian starting to cook breakfast. I'm assuming Remington tried to cook again. Just like last week. Ah..yikes.

*Flash back to a week ago*
"OH MY GOD REMINGTON HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THIS!?!" Emerson screams while rushing a pan of burning food to the sink. I run over to help when I smell something burning. I look over to see a loaf of bread literally on fucking fire.

"REMI HOW IN THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU SET BREAD ON FIRE?!" I yell and grab water, splashing it on the counter, putting the fire out. "Remington, please, I beg of you, stop trying to kill us all. I want to live to actually see the next tour bus"

*End of flashback*

I think he's on a mission to be a one man band. I walk into the kitchen after everyone calmed down. Sebastian smiled and told me good morning, Remington had his head down at the table. Understandable, he did just almost kill his brothers. I walk back up to my room to get changed for today. Black skinny jeans and a Palaye shirt. Slipped on my vans and walked downstairs to join the guys for breakfast. As I sit down at the table, Larisa walks through the front door, arms full of bags. She slams the bags on the ground and breathes out heavily.

"Larisa what's with the bags?" I ask as I eat my eggs, glaring at the burnt biscuit that Remington burned.

She walks over to me handing me a smaller bag and whispering to me "Hope these fit, a girl always enjoys new ones" she winks, I open the bag, new underwear and bras. "Thanks Mo- Larisa" I smiled up at her

She has tears in her eyes, but before she can say anything Sebastian is pulling her to sit down because her food was going to get cold. I sat the bag next to me, glaring at Emerson as he looks over at it. He puts his hands up in defense, in a way of saying 'my bad, did not know' Remington sighs as he tosses his burnt biscuit in the trash. I pick mine up, licking it before throwing it in the trash. No way in hell. That thing was BURNT. Never trusting Uncle Rems cooking. Ever.

After breakfast I went upstairs to start packing for tour. It's sucks that I have to go so soon but it's fun to see the world and soon see Olivia. I grab my suitcase from the corner of my room and lay it on my bed. Going to my closet, I grabbed majority of my clothes except a few for when I come back from tour and need something to change into. I look at the three dresses I have in my closet before deciding I will take those with me this time. Also grabbing my boots and my jewelry. If I'm going on tour with the guys I might as well match a little. Before I walk into my bathroom, the doorbell rings. "I WILL GET IT!" I yell before racing down the stairs.

Opening the door, I begin "Hi Kropp residents ho" but I stoped when I made eye contact with the familiar man whore. "Jasper what did you want?" I sigh, leaning against the door.

"I came to apologize, you know I would never mean to hurt you intentionally" but I cut him off, standing up straight and looking him in the eyes

"I'm sorry but it seems that you thought you would be able to get away with cheating on your girlfriend with another girl. If you never meant to hurt me, you would have been loyal to your girlfriend. You're just a fucking idiot that has a problem with keeping your dick in your pants. Now with all disrespect, you are a horrible person and have no place in my life anymore for you don't deserve a spot. I will now rudely ask you to leave. Now, get the fuck off my property before I get my security guards out here" I smile, crossing my arms. We don't have security guards, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Ivy please I'm so sorry I didn't really" again, he was cut off, a figure standing behind me. The smell of vanilla and hairspray, Remington.

"Oh no, I think she asked you to get off our property, so I think it's now time that you should go before we get security. Maybe you should have thought before you cheated on my niece. What a shame, you lost a good one. Now, excuse me, but could you please leave??" He puts his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back inside the house. Jasper turns away, walking off our property.

"Are you okay love? We were worried" Larisa asks me, Sebastian standing behind her. I run to their arms, breaking down into soft sobs. Sebastian holds tight, Larisa running her hand up and down my back. "It's okay Ivy, you are way too good for him" Sebastian says, kissing the top of my head.

Emerson walks downstairs, confusion across his face but still walks over to help in any way that he can. "You know, this pain is only temporary dear, you will find better eventually, I promise you" Remington says, pulling me into a group hug with him and Emerson. "What he said Chérie, it will be okay, we will keep you company" Emerson strokes my hair, trying to calm me down.

"We are really proud of you for sticking up for yourself though!" Sebastian says, with a little clap. "Aye I helped too" Remington crosses his arms, pouting a little.

"Ah yes momma bear Remi, protecting cubs since the first ever tour" Emerson laughs, shaking his head before going back to his room. "Okay well I'm going to go finish packing, love you all" I whip my tears cheeks before walking up the stairs and to my room. I throw my makeup and hygiene products into a backpack along with a hoodie, slippers, earbuds, a charger. I make a list of everything I needed last tour and things I noticed I needed for tour. Making sure I had everything, I zipped my suitcase up and put it near my door, throwing my bag down next to it.

Later on that night, I put on my bathing suit and went outside on the back porch with everyone. We had a fire going, hot tub was on, music was playing and it was nice. Having everyone in the family together. Thankfully, Daniel couldn't make it tonight, said he had somewhere important to be. It was fine, I could honestly care less. He scares me. I look over at the fire before getting a good idea. I run back inside and up the stairs to my bedroom. Opening my drawers, looking for my pictures. I found three with Jasper in it. One of just him in a tree, one of us together in front of the abandoned house we found near Julians place and one of us in the woods.

I run back downstairs and outside. Standing near the fire, Remington looks over at me with a smile, knowing what I'm doing. Larisa and Shy look over, their mom instincts making sure I'm okay near the fire. I throw one in the fire, feeling a sense of relief as it burns away. Remington and the girls clap and cheer me on. I throw the next one in, watching his face burn away to nothing but ash first. I threw the last one in, feeling better, like I'm free in a way. After watching them burn away, I jump in the pool with Remington, the night party still going strong.

Bring my head up from underwater, smiling and laughing with Remington and Larisa. I look over to the bushes, catching a glimpse of a figure in the bushes. The figure ran before I could say anything. "Remington there was someone in the backyard" I say, moving closer to him. He looks off over to the bush, but nothing is there. "Honey I don't see anything" Larisa says, putting her hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me that it was nothing but the shadows of Emerson or Sebastian. "Yeah I don't see anything" Remington shrugs picking me up and throw me over his shoulders, kicking and laughing.

Later on, everyone was back inside, it was around 4 am when we were all heading to bed. After showering and changing, I later down in my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep. The events of today were interesting and scary. After all of that, I deserve the best sleep. With that, the darkness goes over my eyes and mind and everything and blank.

"I'm proud of you, you did good" I hear Blake say from behind me. This time, it was in my bedroom. "Thank you it was scary" I giggle, hugging him tightly.

"Well you did really good so I'm really proud of you!" He rubs my back lightly, reassuring that I did good. "Never again, boys suck" I sigh with a small nervous laugh.

"I agree, boys are gross"

Well hello everyone! I know my break was only like two days long but I didn't want to keep everyone waiting. I'm feeling slightly better but not entirely. I want to make everyone happy though and give you all content. I tried making it as long as possible but I'm very tired so I wasn't able to write much. But, I hope you all enjoy! I will still be up for maybe an hour or two responding to comments. I will continue responding tomorrow too though, while I work on another chapter. Thank you all so much! Love you<3

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