Chapter 21: Suspended, perfect time.

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I'm getting dressed for the day. It's 8 am and I have another photo shoot today. Photo shoots are scary. I start to think I look good and then I see my pictures. The guys say I look great but they are my parents, they have to say that I guess. Emerson is helping me with my clothes, putting my shoes in a box and other things like Jewlery/hats in another box.

Being suspended isn't so bad. Gives me time to get scheduled things done. Yes I might be young and not even in a band but I am the daughter of Palaye Royale. Also I made some public appearances. Award show, played a show, dragged a bitch on a live stream. Apparently that's all enough for people to want to take pictures of you. I wonder what comes up when you look up my name.

While the guys are getting ready, I'm sitting on the couch. Hm, I actually wonder what happens when I look up my name. I search 'Ivy Kropp Palaye Royale' immediately articles come up about me. I tap on a few, mostly about me playing a show or the live stream. I tap on videos section, mostly videos of me playing a show but a few certain videos catch my eye. A few titled something along the lines of 'Ivy Kropp School Fight' I laugh a little and click on a video. After watching it, I sent the link to Remington, knowing he would want to see.

It's the start of the shoot. Remington left to go get us food. Some lady's are perfecting my makeup while people set up a spot for pictures. It's a white background with a black and red swing, covered in vines and red roses. Im wearing black and white strip pants and a black short sleeve collar shirt.

Half way through the shoot and all of a sudden I just start getting a bad feeling. A feeling like something is wrong. I dismisw it and get back to posing. A few minutes later Sebastian runs over to me "Ivy baby we need to go now, Remington was in a car accident" Sebastian said, grabbing my hand. My whole body goes cold...Remington. I run and grab all my stuff. I run out of the room, down the halls, out the door and break down crying on the ground. A few seconds later Emerson comes running outside. He picks me up and holds me, trying to calm me down as Sebastian calls an Uber.

The uber gets here and we drive to the hospital. Emerson carries me inside and Sebastian walks up to the lady at the desk "Remington Kropp" he says and she frowns. "You are going to have to wait a little while. He is being treated right now" Sebastian says and asks her to call him when they can see him. "Emerson lets take her home" Sebastian says and Emerson nods. We get back in the Uber and head home. I hope Remington is okay...

It's already 10 pm and still nothing. Im getting so worried about him. Remington is like my bestfriend/uncle. I can't lose him too. The fans cant lose him. I start checking Instagram for the first time in 6 hours. My comment sections and DM's are exploding with love from the fans. Im guessing it was on the news. The fans are so great and caring. All of a sudden Emerson runs in my room. "Let's go" he says and I immediately jump up and grab my shoes. I run out the door and wait outside. An Uber pulls up and we get in, going to the hosptil.

Once we walk in Sebastian goes to the front "Remington Kropp" the lady smiles "Room 747" we start heading to the elevator. Im scared to see Remington..Not sure why. Finally we find room 747. Sebastian opens the door, Emerson walks in but I just stand there. Sebastian takes my hand gently and walks me in. I try to look down at the ground but I looked up and started crying. Remington had a lot of bandages on his arms and face, He had stitches above hisright eye, his hand was in a cast and he had some bruises here and there. Sebastin and Emerson give him hugs but I just walk over and sit in a chair on the far side of the room. "Ivy sweetheart...Im over here" Remington mumbles the last part. "She's just scared and doesnt want to see you like this" Emerson says.  Sebastian walks over to me and takes my hand, pulling me over to Remington. "Hi Ivy baby" Remington smiles. I wave a little and keep my head down. Remington sighs and holds back tears. "Okay Rem, I'll take Ivy back home. She needs sleep. Emerson are you staying?" Sebastian says, putting his hand on my shoulder. Emerson nods with a smile. "Bye Em" I mumble and hug Emerson. He hugs me back ane kisses my forehead. I look over at Remington and he waves to me. I wave a little and walk out of the room. I cant look at Remington...It hurts too much. I feel awful. I should have been there.

We pull up into the drive way. At the door, Jasper is sitting on the steps. I get out of the car and he stands up. I run to him and jump into his arms. "Im sorry baby" Jasper says, holding me tightly. Sebastian unlocks the door and we walk inside. Jasper sits on the couch and holds me tightly. I hope Remington is okay...

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