Chapter 26: Marcus

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Later in the afternoon, the guys went to vip. They told me to not worry about this meet and greet and let me go watch the other bands, they gave me a special pass and told me to make sure my phone was off silent so they could call me. I walked out of the vip area to see fans lined up waiting outside. A few started to wave and ask for hugs. After hugging people and signing things I was free to go watch bands play.

I wander off the find set it off playing at a huge stage. After two songs I find myself close to the middle of the crowd. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see the boy from earlier. What's his name again?...Mike?..Mack?..Mark? "Hey Ivy how are you doing?" He yells over the loud music. "I'm doing good uh?.." I trail off, hoping he says his name. "Marcus" he shrugs and smiles. I turn my attention back to the band. All of a sudden Marcus grabs me and pulls me into his chest. "What in the actual fuck Marcus!?" I push away from him. "Hey I'm sorry there was a crowd surfer coming above you and you didn't see them" he blushes. "I'm sorry, thank you" I start pushing my way back out of the crowd right when the music ends.

Walking off far away from the stage, trying to stay far away from Marcus. I'm starting to get bad vibes from him. I pull out the paper from my pocket.

Hey I seen you at the booth, I think you are really cute. You have such a nice figure<3 text me
*** *** ****

Oh yeah totally not creepy at all. I was about to crumble up the paper until I felt a hand snake around my waist. I tense up, looking over to see Marcus standing next to me. "Hey Ivy I was wondering where you ran off to" he leans closer to me. I push him off and start walking away even faster. I look behind me to see him trying to catch up. I keep pushing my way through crowds until I finally reach another stage. Waterparks. I start gently trying to push through people, making my way through the crowd as much as I can. Shouting sorry to people while doing so. I could see him catching up. I start picking up the pace, eventually making it out to the other side where I see a security guard, guarding the backstage. I walk up to him. "Hi, I'm Ivy, Sebastian Danzigs daughter, from Palaye Royale" I hold up my pass and he nods, letting me pass just as I hear Marcus call my name. I feel him try to grab my arm but I slip through before he can. Hearing the security guy tell him to back up. I make my way to the back and sit down. I try to catch my breathe. I look over, to see Marcus waiting by the gate.

Three songs later and the band is walking backstage. Immediately I made eye contact with Awsten Knight. He smiles brightly at me and walks over. "Ivy! My favorite tiny gremlin! How are you doing?" He asks, hugging me. "I'm doing okay other than running away from a crazy boy named Marcus that doesn't know personal space. "Excuse me huh?" Awsten sits down next to me. "So basically after the meet and greet this morning with the guys, a boy walked up to me and we talked for a little bit and then he handed me this piece of paper. I handed Awsten the note and as he read it, his face twisted into an expression of disgust. "And so what happened next was dad let me go watch some bands by myself. I went to see Set It Off and he found me in the crowd. It was fine till he grabbed me and pushed my head against his chest. He claimed there was a crowd surfer above me" I look over at him to see him standing up and looking out over to the gate. "Is that him??" He asks. I look over to still see Marcus sitting there. "Yep. He chased me all the way here and now I don't know how to get back to my tour bus, it's on the opposite side of the field" I mention and he sighs. "Alright Ivy,  I don't often do this but since you are my favorite little human and I consider you my niece, I'll walk you out so he doesn't mess with you" he grabs my hand.

Awsten and I walk over the gate. We start walking out. "Ivy hey-" Awsten cut him off by turning around and glaring at him. "I'm sorry little creep, Ivy has somewhere to be" he says and starts pulling me away faster. We are now speed walking across the fields. Finally we make it to vip.

We walk in together and the fans smile and wave. "I brought you back your gremlin, she needed saving" he says smiling and stopping next to Sebastian. He starts whispering to Sebastian. His face says it all that he now knows. "Thank you Awsten" he says before returning his attention to the fans. Awsten waves and starts to leave. Remington blows him a kiss and Awsten pretends to catch it dramatically. I shake my head and take a seat next to some girl. She looks shocked as I sit down. "Enjoying the geeks?" I nudge her and smile.

After vip we are walking back to the bus. Holding dads hand. Right before we make it to the gate, I hear my name being called. I turn around to see Marcus. "Listen here you little punk, touch my daughter again and you will never see warped tour again, I will have you banned from ever entering any tour date again" Sebastian says. He doesn't wait for a response from him, we just keep walking back to the bus. So much for a first day.

Instagram: all.else.fails

Tumblr: hellbabyzoe

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