Chapter 11:Relaxing

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It's a Sunday morning. Usally means the guys are cleaning or practing. Today they are doing both. Earlier I woke up to Sebastian cleaning my window, Emerson cleaning my floor and Remington doing my laundry. So fun. I don't exactly know what to do to help. "Ivy sweetheart can you run down to uncle Daniels house and ask for these things" Sebastian says handing me a piece of paper with a list of things on it. I nod and go get dressed.

I grab my skateboard and a small black backpack. Brought a backpack so I could fill it up with the stuff on the list. "Bye dad! Bye Rem and Em! I'll be back in a little" I yell as I walk out the door. Daniel lives a few streets away from us so he isn't that far.

I finally get down to his house. I walk up and knock on the door. A few seconds later, Daniel answers the door "Hey Ivy, what's wrong?" He asks bending down to me. I hand him the list from Sebastian and he reads over it. "Alright come on in and I'll grab the stuff for you" he says opening the door more for me. I nod and walk in. He goes upstairs and I sit down on his couch.

A little while later he comes back with his arms full of stuff. I open up my backpack and he puts all the stuff inside. I close it back up and thank him. "One second Ivy, I got something for you" he says running over to his little music room. He comes back with a little box and he hands it to me. I open it up and it has a bunch of Palaye Royale guitar picks. A couple with each of their faces and a couple with their logo. I smile and and hug him "Thank you" I say softly. He smiles and says welcome. I leave and and head back to the house.

Once I get home I hand Sebastian all his things. When I'm handing him his things, a condom falls out of the pile of things. I pick it up and glare at him. He smiles nervously and takes it from me. I go back to my room and sit on my bed. I look over at my school bag. I forgot I had hair dye. I open it up and take out the two bottles of hair dye. I change into an old shirt and shorts. I go over to my bathroom and I forgot I dont have any supplies. Shit. I guess I gotta sneak into Remingtons room. I look around to see Remington is outside cleaning. I run into his room and to his bathroom. I grab gloves and all the other things I need. I run back to my room and set up in my bathroom.

After 2 hours, I got in the shower to rinse it out. I get out of the shower and I get dressed again. I grab my hair dryer and start drying my hair. After I dried it, I styled it and put my hood up. I walk downstairs and to the music room where the boys are. I hope they like it and not freak out. "Hey" I say as I walk in the room, sitting on the couch. They reply with 'Hello' and 'Hey sweetheart' I smile and take my hood off. Emerson drops his drum sticks, Sebastian drops his guitar strings and Remington drops his papers. "That's my girl! You did great!" Remington smiles and hugs me. "It looks really nice Ivy" Emerson comes over to look at my hair. "I dont remember giving you permission to do that to your hair but it looks great sweetheart" Sebastian smiles and pats my head. Well I'm glad they like it.

We haven't done much today. I went to the store with Remington and I watched TV with Emerson. Sebastian was in the music room, talking on the phone with their Record label and tour manager. Kinda sad cause he's my dad and I want to spend time with him. It's okay I guess though.

I was in my room, on my phone. Bored out of my mind. Sebastian, Remington and Emerson walk in my room and sit down on my bed. I look at them, confused on why they are in here. "So we waited a while to tell you this, you are probably gonna be upset with us" Remington starts and then trails off in his words. "We are going on tour on Friday" Sebastian continues. "Oh. How long?" I ask a little upset. "About a month or 2" Emerson says, uncomfortable with telling me. "Oh okay" I reply, kinda wanting to cry. "Larisa will be here with you the whole time, Monica and Shy will stop by I'm sure" Sebastian says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Okay dad" I say, pulling the covers over me and facing away from them. "Dont be upset with us, we will text and call you as much as we can" Emerson says, laying on top of me. "Whatever" I mumble. They tell me goodnight and they leave my room. I dont want them to leave...

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