Chapter 31: Strange

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After Seven left, I went back inside with tears streaming down my face. Everyone was asleep. I walk up to Remingtons door and knock softly. After a minute, the door unlocks and a sleepy Rem opens the door. "Ivy? What's wrong I thought you were asleep" he asks rubbing his eyes. "Can I sleep with you?" I sniffle and he nods.

"What happened? Nightmares?" He asks, getting back into bed and pulling me in with him.

"Seven came by and showed me screenshots..Jasper cheated on me" I start to sob into my hands and Remington pulls me closer

"Teenage boys are stupid, boys in general are stupid love, it's going to be okay I promise" he lays me down, still holding me close

He softly starts to sing Clockwork to me as I fall asleep in his arms. Uncle Rem is probably the easiest person to talk to because he just understands. He understands and is willing to help you. Dad is with Larisa and Emerson is with Shy right now. Remington, he's here for me. He's my best friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

"I'm killing him" I hear Blake say from beside me. "I wouldn't mind" I turn to him. He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. "The next time I tell you something, maybe you should listen to me, I'm your one and only ghost best friend, use me to your advantage" he sighs, stroking my hair. "I know I'm sorry"

When I wake up, I'm still in Remingtons room but alone. I look over at his clock, 2:30 pm, I wish I could just stay here. I get out of his bed and start to walk towards the stairs. "Homeschool is the only option now, she's suppose to be starting school in 2 days but we have tour soon" I hear Sebastian say while typing on a computer. "What about Larisa? She can stay with Larisa and we can take her on summer tours with us" I hear Emerson suggest. "We go on tour basically all year long, we never really stay here, I don't want to be away from my daughter for too long" Sebastian states, continuing to type.

I walk down the stairs, pretending like I didn't hear anything. Sebastian opens his arms to me, giving me a sympathetic look. That's how I know that Remington told him. I sit down next to him and he holds me for a minute. "I'm sorry Ivy, boys are so stupid" he puts the lid down on his laptop.

"We are thinking about homeschooling you, so you can go on tour with us" Remington mentions, putting on his shoes

"That would be fine" I sigh, leaning on Sebastian

"Alright, want to go shopping for groceries with me?" Remington asks while grabbing the keys

I nod and go back upstairs to slip my shoes on and grabbing my phone. I walk back downstairs, saying bye to Sebastian and Emerson before walking out to the car with Remington. LA traffic is very rough so the ride will be long. "Play anything you want" he says, giving me the chord.

Once we get there, we walk into Target, I hold on to the side of the cart as we make our way through the isle. "Darling can you go grab a few things for our bathrooms?" He asks while handing me a piece of paper with a list of items. I nod and walk off towards the hygiene area. I grab the list of soaps and toothbrushes and toothpaste. As I go down the medicine isle, I spot a familiar 5'9 boy with black hair. Looking at the condoms. I turn away and look for the Advil and bandaids. "Ivy! Baby!" He says walking over to hug me. I step away and glare at him.

"I'm not your 'baby'" I feel the tears build up in my eyes, threatening to spill

"What do you mean?" He puts a hand on my shoulder and I pull away

"Seven showed me what you did! Get the fuck away from me you bastard!" I yell and walk off to find Remington.

Finally I find him in the bakery section. I throw the items in the cart and wipe away my tears. "What happened???" He asks, concerned about my crying. "Jasper is here" he sighs and pulls me close to him. "Lesson learned, never talk to a Jasper, come on let's go look at some stuff for the house" he holds my hand as we make our way to the back.

Once we get home, I help put everything away then go upstairs to grab my skateboard. "Where are you heading off to?" Sebastian asks as I walk to the front door. "Just for a ride, why?" I ask while grabbing my house key. "Can you stop by Daniels for me and give him these?" He hands me a folder with some papers in them. I nod, making my way out the door and to the street. I open the folder to see sheets of music and lyrics. Wonder what this is. The folder is labeled "Boom Boom Room side B" well oh damn-
Once I get to Daniels, I walk up his door and ring the doorbell. After a minute he opens the door "Yeah sweetheart?" He smiles as I hand him the folder.

"Ohh okay thank you, needed this, wanna come in?" He asks, opening the door for me

"Oh um are you sure? I don't wanna bother" my gut tells me this isn't a good idea.

"Nah it's fine, I understand your dad is probably making dinner, have a good night Ivy" he smiles and closes the door. This is why I don't trust him. He's strange, some off vibe about him. I leave his house and make my way back home. His vibes ruined my ride. Time for food and sleep at home. I'm sure dad wouldn't want me gone long anyways.

I open the door to the house, immediately smelling food. "Dad! I'm home!" I walk in, closing the door. I walk into the kitchen, Larisa and Sebastian holding each other, swaying back and forth to Joy Division, which is playing from the sound system in the living room. "I'll pretend I didn't see anything here" I say while walking away and upstairs to put away my skateboard. I walk down the hall and hear Remington singing. I knock on his door and hear 'come in' from the other side. I walk in to see Rem writing and Emerson on his floor, with a salt shaker. "Why is everyone on crack today" I shake my head and sit on Remingtons bed.

"What do you mean?" Remington asks while continuing to write

"First Curcio is being strange and asking if I wanted to come inside and then" Emerson cuts me off

"Wait what? Why was Curcio asking you to come inside his house???" He asks while pulling out his phone

"I'm not sure, I just have him a folder and he asked if I wanted to come inside, he then changed his mind"

"Hhm okay..that's strange.."

"Hey Ivy I'm gonna start singing something and I want you to finish the sentence okay? I can't figure out what to finish the lyric with" Remington says and I nod

"But I stand at 19, Fell from the heavens"

"I'm the sun king"

"Thanks my sweetness, anyways go ask Sebastian when dinner will be ready please" he smiles at me and writes the lyric down

I walk downstairs just as Sebastian calls up for the guys. I walk into the kitchen and Sebastian hands me a plate of spaghetti. "Oh thank you" I say as I walk over to the table and sit across from Larisa. Emerson and Remington find there spots next to me, Sebastian sits next to Larisa. "How was tour Ivy?" Larisa smiles at me

"It was fun! I made a friend, her name is Olivia and she lives in Florida" I answer, stuffing spaghetti in my mouth.

"That's fun, I'm sure you will see her in a few weeks"

"Yeah don't worry you will see your girlfriend in a few weeks" Remington laughs

"Shut up, Lesbian"

THERE IS AN EASTER EGG IN THIS CHAPTER!!! comment if you find it :)

Alright everyone! Hi, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I just want to say I know I included Daniel in this chapter, this is based in 2017, the tour was based off of Warped Tour 2016. Things are a little weird I know. I do not like Daniel and I do not support him. But I did include him in this chapter to bring awareness of how fucking creepy he is. I always knew his vibes were off. The way he looked at us, the way he stared, it was strange. He will only be a small background character with little to no text. Anyways, thank you so much! Love you all! <3

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