Chapter 34: Police

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It is the day before we leave for tour again. I don't understand why we have to tour so much, we only just got home. At least the bus will be bigger. "Wake up! Wake up! Rise and shine! Hurry and get up before Remington sets the house on fire!" Larisa bursts through my door, yelling before sitting down and looking around my room.

"Morning Mama" I say while turning to face my wall, blanket pulled up to my nose

"Morning Ivy, time to get up and enjoy your day at home before you leave again for a few months" she pats my leg before standing up and walking over to my dresser

"Why do we have to tour so much?? Do we ever get a break??" I groan, pulling the covers over my head bf curling my legs closer to my chest

"You just had your break silly. If you ever need to come home though, don't hesitate to ask. I will gladly wait for you at the airport" she says before pulling the covers off of me, kissing my head then leaving my room.

I decided now would be a good time to enjoy the rest of my day. It's 11 am, I had nightmares and ended up waking up Emerson, also... "Hey Ivy, I'm telling you, I feel bad for who ever fucks with you" Emerson says, walking my room. I gasp, he had a scratch across his cheek and his nose was bruised. Well what happened was...when I was having a nightmare, someone was trying to shake me awake. When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a tall figure. Obviously, someone who just woke up terrified and seen someone standing over them, I punched them across the face. It just happened to be Emerson and I fell asleep with my ring on. I punched, my ring scratched his cheek and my fist made contact with his nose.

"I'm so sorry Em, I didn't mean to" he sits next to me, laughing at my reaction

"It's okay, I would do the same if I was in your position" He lays back on my bed, looking up at my ceiling. "I say when we get home from tour, we decorate your room a little more"

"I would like to but I don't see the point if this house is a temporary place when it feels like the tour buss is just going to be home" I roll my eyes, throwing my blanket off of me and walking over to my closet.

"I'm sorry, I know we tour a lot but this place is still home. We come home for some holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving" Emerson sits up, laying back down where I was just laying.

"What about Easter? Halloween? And we are rarely here" I pull a shirt off a hanger and jeans out my dresser.

"Well...we don't go home for that..but! We will still celebrate on tour. Any place can be made home if you have your family with you" he smiles, getting up and heading towards my door.

"Yeah okay..guess I'll cross off going out with friends on Halloween" I sigh, he turns to me and smiles before leaving my room.

After I change, I walk downstairs to the living room. There are a few suitcases, one being Daniels. He has come to stay with us for the night, to make it easier on leaving in the morning. Emerson is in the music room, Sebastian is cooking lunch, Remington is watching The Office and Daniel is sitting at the dinning room table taking to Sebastian. I head to the kitchen, sitting on the counter across from Sebastian.

"Good morning sunshine, you really did a number on Emerson's face" he laughs, flipping something in a pan.

"It was an accident! You wake up from a nightmare and see a figure standing over you" I argue, defensive about my attack.

"Kid is right, I would kill someone if I seen that, good thing she doesn't sleep with a knife under her pillow" Daniel adds, staring down at his phone.

Sebastian and I turn to Daniel "..and you do?" I ask, scared for my safety on the tour bus, thinking that I might need an emergency plane ticket straight to Larisa's arms.

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