Chapter 16: Wow...

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Im back at school. It's Tuesday. I just flew back to Cali last night. I miss my dad already. I got woken up by their music this morning! I thought Sebastian was actually in my room. Turned out that Larisa used a speaker. But she did FaceTime them while we were heading out to the car, I got yo talk to them on my way to School. They are going to be in New York in a few hours. I wish I was with them. Sadly I have school and Sebastian said it would be to stressful for me to do Homeschool, I know that homeschooling sounds like it would be great but for a family like ours, it would be more stressful. They also said they want me to go to school, make friends, have fun, not be lonely and learn. They said I could come with them for a little while in the Summer. They also said that when I graduate that I could go on tour if they are still a band.

The bell rings and I walk out of the class alone because I dont have any friends in this class. I start walking down the hall and I see Jasper. He sees me and he opens his arms for a hug. I run and jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. No, we aren't dating. I kinda do like him though. He puts his hands under my thighs and we walk to our last period. Surprisingly, no one seen us. No one cared. We walk in the class, the teacher just looks at us like we are crazy. Jasper sits me down in my seat and smiles at me. He takes his seat next to me and he starts pulling out his work and stuff.

Its the end of class and Max is waiting outside our classroom. We walk out of class and Jasper throws his bag to Max. Jasper takes my bag and throws it to Julian. He looks confused "Hold the princesses bag, she had a long day" he says, he bends down and I jump on his back. He stands back up with his hands under my thighs, I wrap my arms around him and we walk out of school. My pocket starts to vibrate, Larisa is calling
Me: Hello?
Larisa: Hey Ivy honey, did you have a good day at school?
Me: I guess, just a normal day.
Larisa: Aw okay, well I will be home late. Very important job I have to do. Do you have a key?
Me: I dont have a key...
Larisa: Oh shoot! Do you have any friends you can hang out with until 6 pm?
Me:Maybe, I'll check with them and see if it's okay
Larisa: Okay thanks, call me back when you get an answer
Me: Okay mo- Larisa.
Larisa: Sweetie you can call me mom, you call Sebastian dad so you can totally call me mom.
Me: Thanks mom, love you
Larisa: love you too, bye bye

" dad and uncles went out of town and my mom won't be home until 6" I mumble a little, putting my phone in my pocket. He sets me down on a bench and smiles at me. "Alright Ivy, My mom wouldn't mind I'm sure, I'll call her up" he pats my leg and takes out his phone, calling his mom.

"Alright cutie, my mom is gonna be here in 5 minutes, get ready" he says and I blush. He called me cutie and I'm really anti social. Seven, Julian and Max all walk home so we say good bye to them and they leave. I lay my head on his shoulder and we wait. A few minutes later he says be sees his mom's car. We stand up and wait for her to pull up. "Hey Jas baby! Hello Jaspers friend" I wave and say a soft hi. We get in the back and she smiles at me. "So what's your name?" She asks me. "Ivy Kropp" I say, extremely scared.  "That's a really pretty name! Nice to meet you, him Jaspers mom but you can call me Wendy" she says and I nod. Jaspers mom is a skinny lady with brown hair, she is wearing a nurse uniform and her work ID shows that she works at our local hospital. Interesting. We arrive to his home and we walk inside, greeted by a big dog. The dog smiles at me lifts up his paw. "That's Demo, he's asking to shake your hand" Jasper says, petting the dog. I shake the dogs paw and smile back at the dog. "You two can go to his room if you would like, I think I can trust you two alone"  Wendy says, smiling and waving to his room. I blush a dark red and Jasper winks at me. We walk into his room and he throws his bag on the floor. I gently lay my bag on the floor next to his.

After sitting in his room, calling Larisa and just looking at each other for a long time, we decided to go outside. He said he wanted to show me something in the woods. We head outside and into the woods, he notices that I am having trouble so he takes my hand and guides me. Finally we are in a clear area, trees surrounding us, a clear spot above us. He looks at me and smiles. He gets closer with every step. "Ivy, I have had a thing for you the moment I seen your face" he says and I giggle. "You beautiful princess, you are the only one I want. Ma Chérie" he says, my eyes go wide, does he know? He leans in, my heart speeds up. He puts one hand on my waist and one on my cheek. His lips meet mine, sparks fly and my heart beats out of my chest. We pull apart and I smile at him. "I love you, Ivy" he holds my hands "I love you too, Jasper"

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