Chapter 23: Summer and Tour

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It's the last day of school. Im in 6th period with the boys and we are all talking about what we are gonna do this summer. Finally the bell rings and we run out of the class, into the halls, meeting the rest of the boys. "Excited for summer baby??" Jasper says holding me close to him. "Yeah, just sad that I dont get to see you everyday now" I shrug and he kisses my forehead. We walk outside and sit down on the benches. Im laying on Jasper, until Julian suggests a couple group picture. He asks a girl who is waiting for her mom to take a few pics of us.

Sebastian pulls up and I hug all the boys good bye, kissing Jasper on the cheek. I get in the car and we go home. When we get home, I run inside the house, throwing my bag on the floor and scream "IT'S SUMMER YESSSSS" the guys laugh at me and welcome me home. I walk upstairs to my room with my bag and I lay on my bed. I gotta burn every fucking paper in my bag.

Im texting my friends in the group chat when I get a knock on my door. "Come in" and the guys walk in. They sit down on my bed and smile at me. "Angel heart, how do you feel about Warped Tour??" Sebastian asks, showing me his phone which has the lists of bands on it, Palaye Royale being one of them. I smile and nod quickly "Are you taking me on Tour?!" I ask preparing to hug my dad. "Baby you know it" he says and I hug him tightly. "Thank you!!!"

Later that night we talked about it a lot. Basically we leave on Monday (it's friday) and we stay all throught the tour. We come back a few days till school starts. I was told all the rules. Cannot leave the bus without permission. If I leave the bus then I take something to defend myself. I have to take my badge everywhere to show that im with a band. I have to be back on the bus 1 hour before we leave for the next stop. I cant leave the festival grounds without one of the guys. Can't go with another band to a set or on their bus without permission from the guys. That's about it, not so bad.

"Alright princess, get good sleep, we will be preparing all weekend for tour, goodnight, love you" Sebastian says, kissing my head, turning my light out, leaving my room and closing the door. Wow. I wonder what tour is gonna be like.

*Sunday night*
It's actual chaos around the house. It's 8 pm and it's actual hell in here. The guys are running out of rooms looking for the things they need. Then the door bell rings. "I'll get it!" I yell and run to the door. I open the door and it's my boys. Jasper smiles "Hey babe, we came to say bye" he says and I invite them in. They all give me a hug, one by one while walking in. We sit on the couch and talk for a bit, laughing at Remington jumping from the ledge upstairs and Emerson trying to catch him, failing and Remington crushes him. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much" I hug Jasper and the guys all start a group hug. "We love you so much" Jasper says. "We will text you everyday and call you every night we swear Ivy" Max says, stroking my hair. "It's getting late, we should be going." Seven says, looking down, hands in his pockets. "Oh ok...I love you all very much. I'll see you soon. I kiss jasper, hugging him and the rest of the guys. I walk them to the door and wave goodbye.

I start heading back up my stairs to finish packing. I walk into my room, shuting the door behind me. I grab one of two of my suitcases. You think 2 is a lot??? Pretty sure the boys all have like 4. I start putting my makeup all in one bag and putting the bag in my suitcase. I grab a small box and put my Jewlery in that, putting it in the suitcase. Same with my shoes, hats, belts, shower stuff, hair stuff and lady things. I grab one of many pictures of me and Jasper off my wall. I also grab a few pictures of me and the boys. I sit on my bed, looking at them and smiling.

*flashback to halloween*
"Are we seriously going trick or treating?" Seven says, finishing his zombie makeup. "Yes, yes we are" I smile, fixing my Sally wig and touching up Jaspers Jack Skelington makeup. Im Sally, Jasper is Jack, Seven is a zombie, Max is wearing a purdge mask and Julian is a princess. Im not kidding, Julian is a pretty pink princess. Dress, flats, crown. Im not even surprised. "Picture time!!" Sebastian yells. We run downstairs. We stand side by side and smile *click*

*flashback to Christmas eve*
We are running through the woods at 8 pm. Yes, running. Me and Jasper are together, Julian is with Seven and Max is by himself. Im running and laughing, Jasper gets hit with a snowball. I scream and laugh, Jasper ducks as another one comes flying at him. We get into a scary dark part of the woods, we stand there for a minute, catching our breathe, he kisses me lightly and I hug him. "THE WORLD IS A VAGINA!!" Someone screams and jumps out at us. We both scream and fall over, hearing 3 screams behind us *click* it was Emerson. Son of a bitch.

*end of flashbacks*
I love my boys so much...

Instagram: all.else.fails

Tumblr: hellbabyzoe

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