Chapter 29: Day 8

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It's 7 am and Sebastian just came to wake me up. "Where are we now???" I ask walking out to the front. "Orlando, Florida! Home of the crackheads and crazy's" he says. I get dressed in a maroon shirt and black shorts. Deciding against makeup and just wearing sunglasses. I walk out to join Emerson on the couch. "I don't wanna leave" I say as I cuddle close to his side. "I don't want to either, go beat on the drums for me" he smiles and puts his sunglasses on.

"Aye! You beat on the fucking drums for 40 minutes in the shade! I don't wanna hear it" Remington says in his fake British accent.

"Whatever spider man"

Only 10 minutes till show and Remington is walking with me to the stage. "Alright Ivy, go have fun, don't get into any trouble, kick ass and take names later" he hugs me and he runs off to the backstage. Alright going to find a way to entertain myself for an hour. Walking off, I make my way to a random stage. From a distance I see a taller girl, around my age, vibrant red hair, white crop top and black shorts. I can't help to stare at her. Is this where I decide to walk up to her? Yes. Yes it is. Already walking over to do so.

"Hi uh my name is Ivy" Oh yeah cause that doesn't sound weird.

"Hi! My name is Olivia!" She shakes my hand and goosebumps run up my arms.

"You know this band?"

"Yeah! This is Wage War, never listened to them?"

"Nah not really, ever heard of Palaye Royale?"

"Oh yeah I'm gonna watch them perform today! Why?"

"I can take you backstage" and I'm that moment, I just used my family to make a friend. I feel guilty. We head over to the stage they are playing and right when we get there, Emerson walks on stage. We manage to get to the middle of the crowd by the time they start playing. Naturally, Emerson looks out to the crowd and spots me. We make eye contact and smiles. "Wow did you see that?! He smiled in our direction!" She shakes me and I laugh.

"Yeah so?" I laugh at her excitement

"So!? Emerson smiled at us!! Why aren't you excited??" She looks dead confused at me while I just shake my head with a smile. Next Sebastian walks out, strumming his guitar, warming up. Emerson yells something to him and turns to the crowd to look for something. His eyes make contact with me and he waves. I wave back and mouth 'hey' to him. Olivia looks at me with amazement. Before she can say anything, the music starts and Remington bolts out to the stage.

After the show, I grab her hand and pull her backstage. I show the security guy my backstage pass and he lets us pass. "Wait what??" She says while I bring her over to the guys. "Hey dad!!" I let go of her hand and jump into Sebastians arms.

"Hey Ivy, who's your friend?" He motions to Olivia with a wave.

"This is Olivia, I kinda met her like an hour ago" I laugh and she stands there, wide eyes.

After pictures, it was time for them to go to their meet and greet. I had to explain that I'm adopted and Sebastian is my dad. Remington and Emerson are my uncles. She obviously didn't know how to react, of course I'm not surprised. "Want to go see Waterparks?" I ask, walking us out back to the main field. "Hell yeah"

Of course, I introduced her to them. I can officially say that I think I have made her day. Towards the end of the day, the sun sets and the last bands are playing. We exchange information and I walk her to her parents car. I hug her and we say our goodbyes. As I turn to go back to the bus, she stops me again. "Am I gonna see you again?" She asks, looking me in my eyes with her deep green eyes. I smile "Through the screen, till the next tour" she smiles and nods, walking away. I think I successfully made a friend.

I walk back to the bus and everyone's head turns to look at me when I open the door. "So, new girlfriend?" Remington suggests. "I'm straight" I say, feeling a sinking feeling. "She seemed nice" I hear Sebastian say as I head for my bunk. He's right. She was really nice. She had the prettiest long dyed red hair, forest green eyes, freckles that decorated her nose and cheeks, the most beautiful smile that lights up a room. I'm straight, right? Yeah.

"Haha!! You think you are straight! Ha!" I hear Blake laugh at me. "Shut up, I know I'm straight" I sigh and look for him. He's on the floor behind me. "So you say, Olivia right?" I nod and sit on the floor in front of him. He shakes his head and smiles. "Where are you? Which state?"


"Ha! Crackhead"

"Shut up you don't know anything"

Well, hi everyone! It's been a while! I'm sorry, I've been taking a break. I've also been slowly trying to write this chapter. Anyone from Florida, don't take this the wrong way, I'm also a Floridan.

Instagram: all.else.fails

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