Chapter 13: Missed You

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I wake up around 11 am to Larisa opening and closing the door. I get up slowly and she smiles at me. "Morning sleepy head, we gotta go somewhere soon so get a shower and get dressed please" she says and I nod. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. After a shower I change and brush my hair and teeth.

I walk out of the bathroom and grab my Doc Martin's. After I put them on I grab my backpack and sunglasses. I wonder where we are going. It's already 1 pm, where would be going? "Ready?" She says grabbing her purse. I nod and and we walk to the hotel lobby. Once we get there we walk outside and to our Uber. "Keep your sunglasses on at all times, the press know who you are, I dont want you to tracked down with cameras" she whispers to me. I nod and she pulls out a big floppy hat, she puts it on me and smiles. I smile back and look out the window. Where would we be going??

We pull up to a parking lot and we get out. She takes my hand and we start walking across streets, finally in the distance I see crowds of people and security. Where are we? She smiles at me and we get in a line. The gates open at the front and they start letting people through. Are we...At a music festival? Okay so it isn't Warped Tour, that's next summer. Everyone here is wearing band shirts and stuff. I wonder.

Finally we get through the gate and Larisa smiles down at me. "Ready to go see some shows??" She says very happily. I nod, with a confused look. "Surprise!!! San Antonio rock show!!!" She says and I smile, yay! Something fun to do with her!!! We start walking to the main area when I see a big sign with band names on them. Larisa notices and she covers my eyes. "Nope, come on we have somewhere to be" She keeps walking and she uncovers my eyes. We start walking to a security gard next to a gate by a stage. She shows him a card of some kind and he lets us in. She takes me to this area behind the stage and she tells me we gotta wait here for a little. Why?

Soon we hear the crowd cheering and then all of a sudden, Don't Feel Quite Right starts playing. My heart stops and I look up at her. She smiles at me as she records my reaction. "Wanna go see them?" She asks me, still recording. I nod my head quickly and and she takes me to the stage. We stand on the side and I flip out the moment I see the guys on stage. This is the best moment ever. I smile and watch them play. Wow.

Once they end the song Remington looks over and he completely stops when he sees me. I smile and wave and he smiles back. He gets down on one knee and I run to him, I jump into his arms and he hugs me tightly. Soon I feel Emerson and Sebastian hugging us both. "Dad...Rem, Em! I missed you so much!" I softly cry. "We missed you too Ivy baby" Sebastian says and hugs me tighter. "Everyone say hi to Sebastians daughter, Ivy Kropp" Remington says into the mic, everyon screams 'hi' and I wave to them. Sebastian picks me up and spins me around, the crowd goes 'Awwww' and he puts me back down. He kisses my forehead and sends me back over to the side. He kisses Larisa before he starts playing again.

They got down to the last song and Remington motioned for me to come to him. I walk over, the crowd screaming my name. I wave a little and stand next to Remington "How would you like to sing the last song for me?" He asks, my whole body stops and I freak out a little. My body starts to shack, my cheeks turn bright red. Sebastian seems to notice and he runs over to me. Emerson gets concerned and runs over too.

We walk off the stage and Sebastian sits on the floor at the side of the stage. He pulls me into his lap and he rocks me back and forth, telling me to breath and relax. "Im sorry Ivy, you don't have to perform if you don't want to" Remington says, bending down to me. "We would really love you to though, you would do great and we would be proud" Emerson adds. I calm down a little and I take my hat off. I hand it to Emerson and I look Remington in the eyes. "Gimme the mic" I say and he smiles. He gives me the mic and I walk back out on stage. Get Higher starts playing and I smile slightly, they know what I like.

I woke up to the sound
Of a man who's always been, but never been around and he told me, how to change my ways and to stop! With the childish games. Once I start singing a little, something in me just takes over and I begin to move around and feel the music. I get low to the ground...
Cuz I'm not a little boy... I get higher! I get up and jump while everyone in the crowd does too. This is the most fun I have ever had!

I finish the song and the crowd cheers and screams my name. Remington runs to me and picks me up "That's my little girl!" Sebastian screams and smiles. "Im so proud of you Ivy, that was so good!" Remington smiles and hugs me. Emerson walks over and takes the mic from Remington. "Im so proud of my sweetheart, she sounded so amazing who else thinks so?!" He says to everyone. Everyone screams and I smile. "Thank you" I say into the mic. Best. Day. Ever.

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