Chapter 32: Not very like you

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"Ivy where are we??" I hear Blake ask, I open my eyes to see we are in a room for a new born. I look around to see a crib, a changing table and a dresser. I look down at where we are sitting to see my teddy bear that I have had since I was a baby and some colorful blocks. "I wish I could tell ya but I'm not sure either" I shake my head. There's yelling in the other room. Items being thrown, hitting the wall and breaking. The door slams open-

"AH!! NO!" I scream, sitting up so fast I get dizzy. The light in the hall switches on and my door is swung open. "Ivy!! What's wrong?!" Sebastian flips on my light and looks around. I start to sob into my hands as he sits down on my bed. "Ivy..are you okay? Nightmares?" I just nod and pulls me in for a hug.

"Wanna come sleep in my bed?"

With that, I wake up in his bed with the sun shinning into the room from the open window. I roll over to see I'm the only one in his king size bed. He took me to his bed last night and slept in between him and Larisa. I sit up, bringing my legs over the side of the bed, my feet hitting the warm wood floor. I open the door, walking down the hall and down the stairs. Emerson is on the couch, drawing and watching TV. Sebastian is in the kitchen, helping Larisa make cookies. Where's Remington? Then I hear his voice coming from the music room. I open the door to Remington at a desk, writing and beating on the table, keeping tempo while humming.

"Hey Rem" I say and he jumps a little

"Baby Ivy! Hey there! Do me a quick favor and call Danny boy and tell him that I need him to come over so we can work on his bass lines" he hands me his phone and continues writing

I click on Daniels contact, pressing call. It rings for a few seconds until he picks up. "Yeah what's up?" He asks. "Hey Daniel, it's Ivy, Remi told me to call you and tell you that he needs you to come over so they can go over your bass lines" I say, looking over to Remington, he smiles at me in approval.

"Alright doll face, tell your uncle Rem that I'll be there in an hour if that's okay with him"

"Yeah that's fine!" Remington calls from behind me

I hung up, handing him his phone and walking out to the living room. I sit on the couch next to Emerson and he smiles over at me, as if saying good morning without words. I look over his drawing and I gasp. It's an old city and in the center is three men and a little girl. I smile back at him before getting up and going back to my room to get changed. I change into black skinny jeans and a black and white striped shirt. I slip on black vans and I brush my hair and teeth. I grab my skateboard and walk downstairs. "Going for a ride! See you in little while!" I yell and open the door. A few 'love you' and and 'be safe' responses back.

I skate down to the main road but as I am about to turn the corner, I slam right into another person. My board goes off in the grass. I fall back into my ass and pain surges through my hands when I try to catch myself. I look up to see familiar purple and blue hair. Max. "Hey maxi" I laugh and he looks over at me with a small smile. He gets up, offering me his hand.

"Ivy, didn't know you were home yet" he hugs me tightly before pulling away to look at me. "I've been home a little bit but so much happened. "Why aren't you answering Jasper?" He questions

"He's a cheater"


With that, we talked a little before he said he had to leave. On my way down the road, I get a text, then more texts.

Remington: Ivy come home now, we need to talk

Emerson: Ivy I'm so disappointed in you

*Remingtons POV*
I went into Ivy's room, grabbing her dirty laundry. I opened up her warped tour suitcase, pulling out clothes until something dropped and hit the floor. I set the clothes down on her bed, bending down to pick up the box. I hold it up, cigarettes. Ivy smokes?? She's like fourteen years old, she's basically a baby. I opened the box up, five cancer sticks left. I pull out my phone to text her but then Emerson walks in.

"Remington I- wow what???" I hear him say and I turn around, looking at the box in my hand

"Don't tell Sebastian, I don't want him murdering our niece" I throw the box behind me and shake his shoulders.

*Ivy's POV*
I make my way back home, confused. I'm shaking and terrified of course, Emerson NEVER tells me he's disappointed in me unless I tell him I don't want any Trumoo. I open the front door and walk in. Sebastian is on the couch watching Tv. "Hey dad I'm home" I say cautiously "Hey baby! Welcome home" he smiles at me. Okay so dad is fine. That's good. So it's not THAT bad. I walk up stairs and open my bedroom door. Remington and Emerson is on my bed. I close the door and put my skateboard away.
"Everything alright?" I ask, turning to them

"I don't know, are your lungs okay?" Remington holds out my pack of cigarettes.

"Wow! Hold up! You went through my stuff??" I snatch them away from him, putting them in my bag pocket

"I was getting your laundry out of your suitcase and they fell out, do you have something to say?" He crosses his arms

"I'm sorry?" I ask, not sure of what response he wants

"Give me those please" Emerson puts his hand out. I roll my eyes and hand them to him. He smiles at me and thanks me.

"We won't tell Sebastian, just please, not again" Remington sighs and hugs me

"I promise I won't" I hug them both and they leave my room.

What they don't know is I have more, I have no reason to keep a promise. I walk into my closet and push my clothes around till I find my winter coat. I open the pocket to still see the extra pack there. Nice try Remington, try again in the winter. I don't see the problem. Emerson smokes, Remington smokes. Hypocrites. "Ivy! We are going out! Let's go!" I hear Sebastian call down for me. I grab my phone and rush down the stairs to him.

We are going to a meeting. I hate this. We are sitting in a waiting room at the front desk. "Palaye Royale?" A man says, we stand up, following him to a meeting room. All I know is we are here to talk about your dates and a bigger bus hopefully since they have me here. We sit down at the table, I'm next to Sebastian and Remington. While talking talking about tour I hear the guy mention Orlando, Florida. Where I met Olivia. I pull out my phone to text her.

Me: Olivia! We are in a meeting right now talking about tour dates, guess what??

Olivia: Hey what??

Me: ..We are coming to Orlando in two months!

Olivia: That's amazing! I'll try to get tickets!

Me: or I could sneak you in for free??

Olivia: You would do that for me??

Me: of course I would

"Now how about a bigger bus? We have Ivy here and we just want a little more space for her to live in" Remington asks the man. He looks through his papers, typed something out on his calculator. "We could do that, we can upgrade it a little. We can update it again next year when the album is released, till then, another set of bunks and more living space, is that okay?" He asks looking over to me. "Sounds good, right Ivy?" Sebastian smiles down to me, I nod in agreement.

Once we leave, we go to meet their girlfriends for dinner at a restaurant. I sit in between Shy and Emerson, across from Sebastian and Larisa. Remington is next to Emerson. Monica didn't come to dinner for same reason. "Hey..Remington looks sad, you wanna sit next to him and cheer him up?" I smile and nod. He pulls me over his lap and I sit next to Remington. "Hey Remi, can you tell me about your tattoos?" He smiles at me and starts telling me about all his tattoo meanings.

Once we get home, I make my way up to my room and to my bed. I fall back on my bed, looking over at my teddy bear. Who bought you? Why were you the only thing left with me? Why do- "Hey Ivy..can you come sleep with me tonight?" Remington asks from my doorway. "Yeah just let me get changed, I'll be right there" I smile at him before he leaves. I change and walk over to his room. I knock before walking in. He smiles and motions for me to come sit down. He turns on his tv and has Harry Potter already are for us to watch "Thanks Remi"

"Of course love"

Ah okay! I tried to make this as long as possible! I think I did pretty good. Had to stop writing cause I'm so tired and I just had to get an update out as soon as possible. Thank you all so much, Love you❤️

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