Chapter 28: Hello New Orleans

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Another dream. How fun, AGAIN WITH THE DARK ROOM BLAKE?! "Again I'm sorry that you don't like it! I don't make the decisions!!" He pops up behind me. "Alright well, why are you here?" I turn around. He sits down and I sit down in front of him. "Jasper isn't right for you" he says, grabbing my hands. "What?! This again? Blake really you need to chill out" he sighs and rolls his eyes. "IM THE DEAD ONE HERE JUST LOOKING OUT FOR YOU" he shouts and I stand up shaking. "I NEVER WANTED YOU TO DIE AND LOOK OUT FOR ME!! JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME LEAVE" he sighs and begins to say something "NOW" I shout again. Then everything starts to fade.

I wake up, hitting my head on the top of my bunk. Sebastian opens my curtain. "Ivy are you okay???" He asks, grabbing my shoulder. "Yeah just a nightmare, I forget about the bunk sometimes" I smile slightly. He nods and walks away to get ready. I get out of my bunk to get dressed.

I pick out a black shirt and maroon jeans. I pull on my shoes and do my makeup. Then I look for Emerson. "Emmy where are we?" I ask, looking up at him. "New Orleans" he smiles at me, he looks just as excited as I am now. "DAD CAN I GO OUT TO THE TOWN?!" I yell looking for him. "I mean I guess, who would you take with you?" He puts his hands on his hips. "Uhh..uh?? Ehhh" I trial off, not sure who. "After we are done today we will all take you out" Remington kisses my head while he walks past.

During the show, I'm sitting off to the side with a new security guard. Towards the end of a song, Sebastian starts to look a little pale, more than normal. Eventually at the end of the song he runs off stage. Remington runs after him and I try to get up but the security guard doesn't let me go backstage. After a few minutes Remington walks back on "So our guitarist got sick and so this is the end of the show everyone I'm sorry" he says, about to walk off stage but I stop him. "Let me play" he gives me a weird look before crouching down to my height "Hold on folks" he says before grabbing my shoulder and whispering to me "Are you sure??" He asks. I nod and smile at him. He nods and goes to the backstage to grab Sebastians guitar. He comes back and gets me set up. I strum a few chords before walking up to his position. He tells me the rest of the set list and I start playing the opening chords to Mr Doctor man.

After the show, being very successful, we realized Sebastian had food poisoning from whatever he had this morning. They went to vip while I waited on the bus for them to get back. Once they get back, we are ready to leave and go shopping.

At the end of the day, I came home with bags and a smile. The guys, tired from running around all day. "Don't worry, you guys can get sleep, I'll tap down the cupboards tonight" they all kiss my forehead and tell me goodnight and they head off to bed. With that, I grabbed the duct tape to tape the cupboards shut so stuff doesn't come flying out while driving. Once I finish, I make my way to where the driver is, I sit in the passenger side. "Hey kid what's your name?" He asks, getting ready to start driving. "Ivy Amore Kropp" I say, looking out the window. "Hi Ivy, my name is Joey. I had a friend who had a kid named Ivy, of course, never knew what happened to them since an incident" he stares off out through the other window. "An incident?" I ask, turning my full attention to him. "Yeah her husband hated the kid and wanted her to get rid of it, when she refused, he attacked her, she called me crying and then when I went to go get her, they weren't home. No one was. The door was unlocked but the house was trashed and no one was inside" he sighs and starts up the bus. "Anything else?" I ask, buckling my seatbelt. "Not really. I got a phone call from her last year. She was alone and was using a pay phone. She said it was her daughters 13th birthday but she told me she gave her daughter up" we pull out of the field and make our way to the road. I nod and zone out staring out the window.

Blake I swear to fucking god if I open my dream eyes and we are in a dark room I'm gonna be real mad. But when I opened my eyes, we were in a house. A random house. A house that was cold and dark and torn apart. "Blake?? What is this place???" I ask looking around for him. Then I see him down a hallway. "I'm not exactly sure either, you must have dreamt it up..Ha! You were blaming me the whole time but really it's your decision" he laughs and walks down the hallway and over to me. We sit down on the blood stained couch. "The tour bus driver was just talking about his friends house that was trashed" I shrugged. "Must of imagined this then, pretty cold" he fake shivers and punch his arm. "Hey there's someone else in here" I point to a room where I started to hear screaming. I hear a thud and a shadow starts to walk down a hall. I feel Blake grab me and-

"GAH!!!" I scream and the bus jerks. "Ivy what's wrong??" Joey asks, looking over at me and then the road. "I don't know" I breathe heavily, unbuckling my seatbelt and walking to the bunks. "Ivy what happened?" Daniel asks, getting off the floor. "Sorry Danny boy, just nightmares like always" he nods and walks past me. I climb into my bunk and let the darkness take me to sleep.

Instagram: all.else.fails

Tumblr: hellbabysevera

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