Chapter 8: Monday

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I wake up, Remington laying in my bed calmly talking to me, waking me up easily. He sits and pulls me up too. He kisses my forhead and leaves the room. I walk over to my closest and pick out clothes for today.

I get changed and walk downstairs. I sit down at the table and groan. "Good Morning sweetheart, you look nice today" Sebastian says, making tea. I nod and slam my head on the table. Emerson walks downstairs "Good morning Ivy, love the outfit" he says pulling out pots and pans. "Morning Emerson, Sebastian" I say walking up the stairs and to my room.

I walk back downstairs after doing my hair. I had my makeup bag with me, I sat down at the table starting to do my makeup. "REMINGTON!!!!" I scream to him. Remington comes stumbling down the stairs. "Ivy sweetheart whats wrong?!" He yells running to me. "Can you do my makeup please?" I ask nicely. He glares at me and pulls up a chair.

Remington finishes my makeup and I go grab my stuff. I sling my bag over my shoulder and stand next to the door. "Emerson come on!" I say as he rushes to the door. I say bye to everyone and walk out to the car with emerson. I get in the passenger side and we drive to my school.

"Have a good day Ivy, be careful and learn something new" emerson smiles and kisses my hand. "Okay Em, bye" I wave and walk to the school. Outside waits Jasper, leaning on the wall, on his phone. "Oh hey Ivy!" Jasper says waving to me. I wave and smile at him. "Ready for first period?" He asks, puting his phone away and slinging his bag on his shoulder.

I nod and we walk inside. So. Many. People. I freak out a little and feel so small compared to everyone. Jasper seems to notice and he grabs my hand, he pulls me through crowds of people and to first period. He sits me down in my seat and sits next to me. I smile at him "thank you" I say softly. "No problem, I got you Ivy" he says rubbing my shoulder.

Its the middle of class and we start working on worksheets. I was stuggling to answer the 3rd question and Jasper leans over "I got you Ivy, here" he said, talking to me about it and helping me find the answer. I thank him and finish my work.

The bell rings and we head to our next class, thankfully art. Jasper gets pushed and I look over to see a group of boys. "Little casper got his girlfriend aww" One says "2 ugly looking ghosts, perfect" another says. I glare at them pull Jasper away to our next class.

Its now lunch and Jasper said he wanted to introduce me to his friends. He brings me over to a table in the back of the lunch room. There sits 3 boys, one with blue and purple hair, one with neon green and black and another with black hair. Jasper sits down and I sit down next to him. "Hey guys, this is my Friend Ivy, Ivy this is Max, Julian and seven" he says pointing to each of them. The purple and blue haired one is Max, Julian is the neon green kid and seven is the black haired one. Seven creeps me out a little. I wave and hide behind Jasper a little. "Hi Ivy! Nice to meet you" Max says holding his hand out. I hesitate to shake his hand but I do. "Heeeyyy Ivy" Julian says taking my hand and kissing it. Seven looks at me and waves. I smile and listen to them talk. Seven doesn't talk much, he wont stop looking over at me. A little creepy.

It's the end of the day. I sit outside waiting for my ride. Jasper and his friends are with me. Seven sits down next to me and hands me his phone. I look down confused, his contacts are open. I guess he wants my number. I put in my number and put myself in his phone as ☆Ïvý☆. I hand him his phone and smile at him. He smiles a little at me and he send me a message. I pull out my phone and open it. I first create him as a contact.


Seven: Hey, thanks for your number
Ivy:welcome >_<
Seven: Sorry, Im kinda mute. Im learning to talk again slowly
Ivy: oh its okay! I might as well be mute, I dont talk around people I dont know or even friends
Seven: ahh okay

The car pulls up and I tell Jasper and his friends bye. Jasper winks at me and I smile. I wave to Seven and walk over to the car. Its been a good day.

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