Chapter 10: Photo Queen

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I wake up and turn on my phone to see its 7:23 am. It's Saturday, why did I wake up so damn early? I sit up in my bed and look st the end of my bed. At the end of my bed is a big bag and a note.
Dear Ivy, we left to go to the study for a while. They had a problem with the audio for one of our new songs we are working on. It wont take too long but I know you wake up early. We have a photo shoot today and we would like you to be in the pictures. All of us including Larisa, Monica and Shy have pickee out an outfit for you. We hope you like it. Please be ready before we get home. Be ready by 9 please because our shoot starts at 10. We love you very much -Love, Rem, Em and Seb

Great. I'm alone for a while. I wonder what the outfit looks like. I hope it fits. There is a bag and my Doc Martin's are on the floor. Guessing these are the shoes I need. I sit down and open up the bag.

It's one of thr most beautiful dresses I have ever seen

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It's one of thr most beautiful dresses I have ever seen. I lay it back down on the bed and walk over to the bathroom. I grab a towel ans start my shower. After Im done with my shower I get dressed in sweat pants and a MIW shirt. I walk downstairs with my makeup bag and a small mirror. Time to start on my makeup.

By the time Im done with my makeup its already 8:32. I start putting everything back in my bag and I head back upstairs to put it my red eye contacts. They looked really good last time. After that I put on my new dress, black stalkings and my shoes. What am I gonna do about my hair... I really should have dyed it before this. I have really long hair so what should I do?? I look at my hair for a while until I decided to just braid it and hope for the best. I finish braiding my light pink hair and I put hair spray in it.

I walk over to my dresser and look for the rings that Remington got me. After I put my rings on, I hear the door open from downstairs "Ivy baby we are home!" Sebastian yells from downstairs. I smile and run downstairs. I jump into Sebastians arm and he spins me around. Monica walks into the living room with Remington and smiles. "Hey Ivy!" She opens her arms for a hug and I run to her. I hug her tightly and everyone says 'Aww'. "You look great Ivy sweetie" Remington mentions and everyone agrees. I smile and thank them.

Monica drives us down to the place and steps out of the car. "Ivy give the camera sass, beauty and power. You will do great" she says giving me a hug. "Thanks, will do" she nods and gets back in her car and leaves.

Sebastian holds my hand and we walk inside. We walk up to the front desk "We are Palaye Royale, we have a photoshoot" Sebastian talks to the lady and signs some papers. A lady takes us into a very large room with different back drop scenes and stuff. "Hi my name Erin! I will be your photographer for today. My lighting crew is Joey, Stacy and Vera. My assistant photgraphers are Lanna and Ronnie. My modeler and prop assitant is Marshall" she says and she shakes all of their hands. She looks down at me and smiles. "Hey there cutie, you must be Ivy" she says shaking my hand. I smile and nod. "I love your dress" she says admiring it. "Thank you" I say softly. She seems nice but so scary. "Let's get to work everyone!"

"Boys I would like you to sit down on the couch and Ivy I would like you to sit on the floor holding this doll" Marshall says sitting them down and handing me a creepy baby doll. Another lady comes in to help him model us. I sit with my legs underneath me and the doll in my hands. "Alright Ivy I want you to do a side smile and cut your eyes at the camera a little" Marshall says. I smile and cut my eyes a little. They take a couple pictures like that, moving us around a little until it's time to move on to a new background.

"Okay guys and girl we are going to take a couple more pictures in the outfits you are wearing then we are gonns switch you into more not so formal clothes" Erin says. This time we are standing. Im in the middle with Sebastian behind me, Remington on my left and Emerson on my right. Sebastian puts his hand on my shoulder. I cross my arms and smile. It looks like we are taking a family picture!

"Okay bring in the dressers!" Erin yells and 4 ladys come in with racks of clothes. I get taken over to one lady. "Hello my name is Olly and I am gonna help you pick out an outfit" I shake her hand and we get to work on picking out an outfit. Soon we pick out black leather Jeans with zippers all over them, white shirt and black suspenders and a red flannel to wrap around my waist. I get changed and I walk out to the room.

A soft maroon colored background with nothing around us. We take a family portrait like photo, Sebastian with his hands on my shoulders with Remington and Emerson beside us. We switch the poses around, taking a few more pictures before we are finished.

Erin takes us over to room with a lot of computers. She hooks up her camera and the SD card. She starts scrolling through the pictures and they look great. "They look great! Love them!" Remington says with a big smile.

Monica comes to pick us up again. Im in shorts and a shirt now along with my converse. Thankfully Sebastian was smart to bring extra clothes. "How was the shoot?" Monica asks me. "It was fine, scary but fine" I answer, playing games on my phone.

Once we get home I walk upstairs to take a nap. I take my shoes off and lay down in bed. I turn my phone off and curled up in bed.

Everything is dark. I scream out for help but nothing happens. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around. Blake smiles at me and I shreak. He laughs and gives me a hug "Hey Ivy" he says with his adorable sweet smile. God I love him more than anything.

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