Chapter 18: Oh um..

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*Emerson's POV*
I was outside smoking and talking to Shy when I see a boy walk up to the front door. Confused, I walk out of the dark a little, Shy following and I watch. He rings the door bell and Ivy opens the door. She steps outside and he puts his hands on her waist. He's touching her. Something snapped in me and I'm sure Shy noticed because she put her hand on my shoulder. He kisses her and she kisses back. MY BABY IVY HAS A BOYFRIEND?? DOES REMINGTON OR SEBASTIAN KNOW??? I pull out my phone and take a pic. Shy slaps my arm and glares at me. I shrug and continue watching. He finally walks away and I pull Shy back in the dark. Ivy is in a lot of trouble.

I walk back inside and I go to find Sebastian. I pull him to the side in a different room. "Ivy has a boyfriend" I say, looking him in the eyes. He smiles and laughs "Funny Emerson" he says, not believing me. I pull out my phone and show him the picture. His eyes go wide and he almost drops his cup. He crushes his cup in his left and and throws it on the ground. He runs to the living room and searches for Ivy. I follow behind him of course. He finally finds her talking to Monica, he picks her up and sits her on the kitchen counter. "Ivy Amore Kropp when did you plan on telling me you have a boyfriend?" He asks with a serious face. "I what?" She asks, nervously smiling.

*Ivy POV*
"I what?" I smile nervously. Oh no. He knows. Did he see us? Someone else? Emerson pulls out his phone and shows me the picture. "YOU TOOK A PICTURE OF US??" I scream and jump off the table. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??" I scream again. "Watch your mouth!" Sebastian yells. "Oh shut up! That's so fucking wrong to take a picture of us kissing!" I scream again and run to my bedroom, locking the door.

There is a knock on my door and Shy walks in. "Go away" I mumble into my pillow. "You really upset Sebastian, I can understand you though. I did see you kiss that boy and I knew Emerson took the picture" She sighs, sitting on my bed. "It shouldn't be a bad thing that I have a boyfriend.." I mumble again. "It isn't sweetheart, they are men and very overprotective" Monica says, walking in my room, sitting next to Shy. "Does Remington know?" I ask. "Yeah he found out a couple minutes ago. He's kinda pissed and is now looking for your phone so he can look through it" she says, disappointed in Remington. I hold up my phone waving it around, putting it back on my table. "Sebastian calmed down a little" Larisa says, walking in and sitting at my desk.

"So tell us about your boyfriend" Monica says to lighten the mood. I smile and sit up. "His name is Jasper" I blush a little, thinking about him. "Oooooo what does this Jasper look like" Shy says, making me blush more. I grab my phone and pull up a picture of him, showing it to them. "Aw he's a cutie" Larisa says, I'm burning dark red now! "Yeah he's really sweet and cool...I met him on the first day of school" I smile, looking at the pic of him.

"How old is he?" Larisa asks

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"How old is he?" Larisa asks. "14" I answer, still looking at his picture. "I think people are starting to leave, let's go say bye" Monica says, grabbing my hand and walking me downstairs. We walk up to Kellin first and he smiles at me, bending down to my level. "It was so nice to meet you Ivy, I hope I see you again soon" he shakes my hand "You too Kellin" I walk over to Awsten and he hugs me. "So great to meet my favourite people's daughter!! We gotta hang out soon!" He says and I hug back, agreeing with him. Once he lets go, I walk over to Andy and Juliet. "It's the little one! Hi short stack, I loved meeting you" Andy says, bending down to hug me. "You are a sweetheart and the boys have been doing good at raising you, hope we can hang out soon" Juilet says, also giving me a hug. She pulls out her phone and we take a picture together.

Everyone leaves and I'm now sitting in the living room with the boys. Sebastian smiles at me "My baby has a boyfriend! He hurts you and I'm cutting his dick off" He says the last part in a serious voice. "Im proud of you, I knew you would get a boyfriend" Emerson says, pulling me into his lap. "My sweet heart is gonna leave all the boys heart broken with her badass looks and sweet soul" Remington gives me a high five and we all laugh. "New song title! Teenage Heartbreak Queen" I say and they all look at me with wide eyes. "That's not a bad idea" Remington smiles, pulling out his phone and opening his notes. Oh boy. What did I start.

Instagram: all.else.fails

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