Chapter 17:You guys are back!

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It's been 2 months, I miss my boys. I'm sitting in the dinning room, not dressed. Larisa walks down stairs and sighs "You aren't dressed?" She shakes her head and laughs a little. "I dont know what to wear" I mumble, she smiles a little at me. "Sebastian sent something to you from New York yesterday, wanna go open it up and see what it is?" I nod and run up the stairs and to Sebastians room, where she was staying. I picked up the box and ran back downstairs. I grab a knife from the kitchen and ripped it open.

I pick up the dress and smile

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I pick up the dress and smile. Larisa smiles and walks over to see it. "Wow they really like buying you dresses" She feels the fabric and holds it up to me, making sure it will fit. "Go upstairs and change" She says handing me the dress. I run up to my room to get dressed.

I put the dress on, put on my knee high boots and fixed my hair. After I got done getting ready, I head downstairs to go to the car. I grab my bag and we head out the door. We start driving to school. I dont know why but she keeps looking over and smiling at me. Whatever, probably just likes my dress. I love my dress, it's amazing.

We pull into the parking lot and I hug Larisa, telling her goodbye. I walk over to the front of the school and wait for my boyfriend and our friends. All of a sudden, arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground. I scream a little and I turn around to see Jasper. "Hi baby" he smiles and kisses my cheek. "Hiiii" I giggle and he laughs. "You look beautiful in that dress princess" He says, taking my hand and spinning me around. "Thank you!" I hand him my phone and ask him to take a picture of me. He takes a picture and I send it to the boys. I hope they like it. Our friends arrive and we walk into school.

Its lunch time and Jasper went to lunch first because he had to go give something to a teacher. Max and Julian walk with me to lunch. "Princess Ivy" Max says, picking me up and I scream. Julian giggles and opens the cafeteria door, Max walking in, still holding me. We walk over to our table and Jasper looks at us with a confused look. "Your royal highness, Princess Ivy Kropp" Max says holding me up some more. Jasper smiles and stands up, bows to me and sits back down. Max sets me down onto Jaspers lap and I smile at him. "Jasper!" I hug him tightly and he hugs me back. "Princess!" He laughs.

I have one more class after this one. Just one more. I'm bored out of my mind, listening to my teacher talk about France. "Would someone give an example of something in French?" My teachers asks. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice "Ma Chérie" I turn around to see Sebastian, Remington and Emerson. My eyes go wide and my heart speeds up. Tears start to fall from my eyes as I stand up and run to them. Sebastian picks me up and hugs me tightly. "Dad I missed you so much!" I cry and lay my head on his shoulder. "I missed you too sweetheart" he says and the class goes 'Aww'. He puts me down and I hug Emerson. "Em!! I missed you!" I say and he hugs me back. "Missed you too Ivy" he says and let's go so I can see Remington. "Rem!!! I missed you!" He holds me tightly and spins me around. "My badass chick!! I missed you too Ivy honey!" He says and I giggle. I grab my stuff and we go to the car.

We get home and they start calling people. "Rem what are you guys doing?" I say, confused. He looks down at me and smiles "Calling people for a party" he says, calling another person. Soon they start setting things up and the door bell rings. "Ivy baby can you get that please?" Emerson asks, grabbing Vodka. I walk over to the front door and open it to see Andy and Juilet. They smile at me "Ivy! Nice to see you again!" Juilet gives me a hug and I smile back. "Hey Ivy" Andy says and hugs me too. I open the door for them and they walk inside, hugging the guys and sitting on the couch. Soon the door bell rings again and this time it's Monica and Shy. They hug me and walk inside, sitting on the couch, talking to Andy and Juilet. Again, the door bell rings. I open the door and there stands the one and only Kellin Quin. My eyes go wide and I hold back screams. "Hi, are you Ivy?" He says. "Yeah" I mumble and open the door for him. "Hi I'm Kellin, how are you doing?" He says, shaking my hand. "I'm good" I let him in and he hugs the guys and helps Sebastian set up. A little while later, the door bell rings and I open the door. I'm gonna die. There stands WaterParks. Awsten smiles at me and waves."Hi there, Ivy correct? You are so beautiful!" He gives me a hug and I thank him. They walk inside, talking to the guys.

A while later and there are a couple bands and some managers in the house. I decide that this is probably time for adults so I go up to my bedroom. I sit on my bed and pull out my phone. As I'm scrolling through Instagram, a get a phone call. It's Jasper.
Jasper: Hey baby
Me: Hi
Jasper: Where were you?
Me:My dad and uncles came home from traveling and picked me up early
Jasper: Oh okay sweetheart, wanna come over tommorow?
Me: I dont know if I can but I'll try
Jasper: Sweet babe, I love you princess
Me:I love you too
We talk for a little longer before he had to go. I sit there on my bed a little longer before Sebastian walks in my room. "Ivy come downstairs and enjoy the party" he says, taking my hand and bringing me downstairs. Everyone smiles when I come downstairs and Juliet comes over to talk.

The door bell rings and I go to answer it. I open the door to see Jasper. "What are you doing here? How did you get my address?" I walk outside and close the door. "I found you on snap map. I came to see you" he says, putting his hands on my waist, kissing me softly. "My parents are having a party though" I say, kissing his cheek. "Aw alright baby, I'll see you tommorow hopefully, night sweetie" he smiles, kissing me again and walking back home.

Hey everyone! How do you feel about Jasper and Ivy? Do you like them together? Did you ship her with someone else? I like them together. Should I introduce the characters more? Give you more details about them? Let me know. Love you guys

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