Chapter 30: Home

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It was the last day of tour. We have just arrived in Portland. I'm not sure if I'm happy or upset about it being the last day, though we will be on tour again in at least 2 weeks. I'm not sure how school is supposed to work for me since we will be touring so much. Right now I'm about to go outside to help Emerson with equipment. As I'm stepping outside I notice it's raining and the excitement hits. I run out the door, slamming it behind me and find a spot on the ground to lay down. "Hey Ivy can you" he stops.

"Yes Emmy?" I turn my head to look at him, he has an umbrella and is giving me the strangest look

"Anyway, can you come help Austin move the merch out to the tent? We have an hour till gates open."

"Got it Em" I stand up and go to grab a box of shirts, making my way to the tent, handing it off to Austin. As I'm walking back to see who else needs help, my phone starts to ring. It's Seven.

"Aye seven eleven" I giggle and he sighs

"Hey Ivy, we need to talk when you get home okay? It's about Jasper" my heart stops

"Yeah..yeah sure what happened??"

"We will worry about that tomorrow, play a good show, be safe, bye" he hangs up and I stare at my phone in confusion. What happened to Jasper? I shake it off when Sebastian calls my name, telling me to change out of my wet clothes.

I got to play a song with the boys for the last time for 2 weeks. It was fun and emotional. They let me go and get back to the bus to start packing because after gates close, we are out of here. I walk on the bus and go to my bunk, grabbing my suitcase and clothes. I start folding my clothes and putting them away but then I hear the door open. I turn to see Joey, the bus driver. He looks over and waves to me. I wave back and continue my packing. "You know I just found something yesterday that my friend, the one who had the kid, left behind" he says walking over to me, pulling something out of it pocket. He opens up his phone case and pulls out a picture of a woman and three other men.

"Who is that?" I ask, taking the picture and inspecting it more

"That's me and our two friends from high school, that's her in the middle"

The woman has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I hand him back the picture and he heads to his bunk, ready to take a nap before a long drive home. I fish putting my clothes away and then I start to take down my pictures on my wall. Smiling at the pictures of me and my friends. I had a new one up that I got printed out recently. It was a picture of me and Olivia at the end of the day, the sun setting behind us. I'm hoping we can get a Florida date scheduled and I can see her again. We have FaceTimed everyday since Orlando. I learned that she is bisexual and has a boyfriend. My heart dropped when I heard but I think it's because I miss Jasper.

The guys and I went out to the fields for the last hour of warped tour, enjoying the last bands of the day before heading back to the bus. "How did you enjoy tour love?" Emerson asks, holding my hand.

"It was fun! I made a new friend and I got to perform"

"So glad you liked it because we do have tour in 2 weeks again" Sebastian sighs with a small laugh

It's 8 am and I'm being woken up by Sebastian telling me that we are home. I sit up and look around to see Remington pulling Emerson out of his bunk. I grab my suitcase, pillow and my blanket. I walk outside to see our house and I mentally scream. I run to the front door, waiting for Sebastian with the key. Once he unlocks the door, I run inside and up the stairs to my bedroom, throwing my stuff to the floor. I slide into my sheets, pulling them over me with a soft sigh. Then I get a call.

"Ivy! Are you home now?" I hear Seven say, I smile at his excitement

"Yeah I just laid down on my bed"

"Alright I'll be over in 20 minutes?" He asks me and I groan into my pillow


I had just gotten home and wanted to sleep but I mean whatever. I end the call and stand up, going to my closet to find any clean clothes. I grab a pair of shorts and a hoodie, making my way to my bathroom. After a shower I get dressed and walk downstairs and outside to wait for Seven. After a minute of waiting, he walks up to my driveway. I run to him and basically jump into his arms.

"I missed you so much!!" I say pulling away from him

"I missed you too but um we need to talk" he pulls out his phone and we sit down on the driveway. He hands me his phone, opened up to screenshots of a chat.

Megan: I thought you had a girlfriend?

Me: I do but I don't think I'll be with her for long, she isn't like you

Megan: Well okay then :)

Me: Wanna come over? Just you and me

Megan: Sure

"What is this?" I question him, handing him his phone back

"That's Jasper talking to Megan, his next door neighbor" he sighs, pulling me into his chest

"So you mean?.."

"I'm so sorry"

Aaaahhhh hi! This was rushed but I'm trying to put out as many updates as possible so no one loses interest! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any suggestions, please message me!

Instagram: all.else.fails

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