Chapter 27: Day three

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Yesterday was the second day of Warped Tour. The most boring day, though the hype and vibes were high. "Ivy come on get dressed, we are sending you off with Awsten this morning" Dad says, pulling open my curtain, letting in the artificial light. "Wait what why?" I ask, getting out of my bunk. "Yesterday it was kinda stressful keeping an eye on you after the situation, we are just gonna let Awsten take you out today, he will bring you back to us when he has to go on" he explains to me.

I go through my bag, looking for something to wear. I pull out a dark green crop top and black high waisted shorts. After I get dressed, I pull on my black converse. Grabbing my makeup bag, I do black eyeliner and mascara. After I finish I walk out to the main room. "It's hot out there, good choice" Remington pulls on his black docs. I study his outfit choice for the Houston show today. Black skinny jeans, black and white stripe shirt and docs. Good luck Uncle Rem. "Ivy are you ready to leave? Awsten is here!" Emerson yells from outside the tour bus. "Coming!" I yell back, grabbing my phone off the charger. Sebastian slips something into my pocket while hugging me goodbye.

"You ready to go?" Awsten twirling a set of keys in his hand. "Yep, where are we going?" I ask, stepping off the tour bus and closing the door. "Shopping?" He opens the gate for me and we walk to a parking lot. He must have rented a car for today. "Sounds like fun" I pull out what Sebastian slipped into my pocket. His credit card with a note.

Please be responsible with it. Don't let us go broke.

"You ready to leave right?" He opens the car door for me. "Yeah I'm good, let's go" he closes the door and gets in the drivers seat. "Alright look up somewhere we can go shopping" he starts the car. "The mall?" I hold up my phone for him to see. He nods and we head to the mall.

At the end of our shopping trip, I walked out with a pair of red low top vans, 2 shirts and one hoodie. I called dad to make sure he was okay with everything I bought. "Hello my sweetness" he answers. "Hey dad I bought a pair of vans, 2 shirt and hoodie. Need me to return anything before we leave?" I ask, looking over to Awsten. "That's all you got?? Thank goodness for the best daughter ever, no sweetheart you are good, hurry back so we can take you to vip"

We make it back to the fair grounds. I told Awsten thank you for everything and I could walk back myself. Once I start walking, someone grabs my arm. I turn around to see the boy from day one, Marcus. "You ran away from me last time doll face" he pulls me close to him. "Yeah cause you are creepy and I have a boyfriend" I pull away from his grasp. He tries to grab me again but I smack him and run off into the direction of vip. Once I got there I seen the guys walking out, this time I seen 4 chairs set up. I took a seat in one of them.

"She beat us here Sebastian" Remington says walking over to me, sitting down next to me. He waves at everyone. Once the vip started, I couldn't get my mind off of Marcus. Why can't he accept the answer no? Just another guy only thinking with his dick. Marcus. He looks to be about 16 years old. Dark brown hair that just barely goes over his eyes, longer in the back. He has dark green eyes and freckles. He's about 5'11 and is pretty skinny. Today is our last day in Texas. I will never have to see him again after this. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a fan asks me a question.

After vip, we start walking back to the bus. This time I'm holding Emerson's hand as we walk. From the corner of my eye I can see Marcus. I let go of Emerson's hand and run off to his direction. I yell his name and he turns to me. "Hey Marcus, when a girl says no, she really means no. Stop thinking with your dick and be a gentleman, fucking asshole" I turn away and walk back over to the guys, we continue to the bus.

It's around 5 pm when Emerson came to my bunk. "We are going out with waterparks, we are dropping you off with another band we are friends with, is that okay?" He asks, grabbing my hand and rubbing his thumb over it reassuringly. I nod to him and he smiles. "Alright come on and get ready" he leaves my bunk. I get out of my bunk, grabbing my phone. I find Remington. "Remmy..can I wear one of your hoodies?" I ask him softly. "Of course you can, go take whichever one you like" he smiles at me. I run to his bunk, grabbing a black hoodie with a rose on it.

The guys are walking me over to the bands tour bus. Sebastian knocks on the door, Chris Motionless answers it. My eyes almost pop out of my head. He looks down at me and smiles "Aye there kid, hope you don't mind spending the next two hours with me" he reaches out to shake my hand. I shake his hand and turn around to my dad and uncles. I hug them all bye and walk onto their bus. I take a seat on their couch. Chris sits down next to me. "Everyone else went out to party, it's just you and me for a few hours" I nod and look away from his gaze. "You don't talk much do you?" I shrug my shoulders a little. He nods in understanding. "I understand that, really I do. It's okay" he stands up and walks over to a shelf. He grabs a bunch of dvds and sits back down. He hands them to me "pick your two favorites and we can watch them together" he gets up again and goes back to the bunk area. I picked The Nightmare On Elm Street and The Shinning. He comes back to sit down. In one hand, I hand him my favorites and the other are the rest. He goes to put the other stack away.

After we finish the last movie, I felt a little more comfortable around him. Just have to keep in mind that he's a friend of the guys. Finally the guys came to get me, buses leave in 30 minutes. I hug Chris goodbye and thank him for the night. We head back to the bus. Here we go on the road to another new state.

Hi everyone! Yes I know, another chapter. Trying to write longer, post more chapters. Trying to keep everyone happy! I realized that when I update like wayyyyy less, the more viewers I lost. Trying to make everyone happy and occupied during quarantine.

Instagram: all.else.fails

Tumblr: hellbabyzoe

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