Chapter 5: School and Dresses!

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After getting ready to go out with the fam, I walk downstairs and watch TV with Em and Rem. Sebastian comes down stairs "Lets go, Hurry up because we are running behind and Ellie hates it when we are late" he says grabbing his keys and walking out to the car. We follow behind.

"Trust me Ivy, you are in good hands. Ellie is very sweet and easy to work with. Well that is when you are a teenage girl" Emerson laughs. "Sounds fun" I smile. "Fun until she 'accidently' pokes you in the ass with a needle" Remington says. Sebastian laughs "That was one time Remington". "Oh right one... one hundred" he mumbles. I giggle at the grumpy Remington. "We are here!!" Sebastian says parking the car and getting out.

We walk inside and a girl with crazy blue hair in a bun walks out from a room. "Ah my favorite boys! And the beautiful Ivy Kropp!!!" She says running over giving me a big hug. "Such a small frame, yet bigger in the chest area, some what curved sides, yet perfect for a dress I'm thinking of" she says looking around my body. I smile a little and nod.

She grabs my hand and runs over to a back room. She stands me up on a little riser. She grabs a measuring tap and takes some notes about what my size is. I look over at Emerson, who is taking pictures. I smile at him and he takes more pictures. Sebastian also has his phone out taking pictures, I look over at Remington who is also just now starting to take pictures! I swear they are more like mom's. At least from what I've heard, mom's are like that.

Ellie came back with her laptop and started going threw some dress styles with me. So far I'm liking short dresses, fluffy but not drowning in fabric fluffy. Totally laced up dresses, but not too difficult.

Soon she takes out fabrics and starts showing me textures and designs. I kept with Palaye Royale themed designs. Stripes, dark colors, lace for the edges. After a while we had everything picked out. She would have the dress done in 3-4 days. I feel bad that she is going to be working none stop. But the award ceremony is on Saturday so she understands.

After that we got in the car and Sebastian turns to me. "Ivy you have been with us for a while now. We can't keep you out of school" he starts...I don't like where this is going. "Ivy we are putting you in school, the local middle school" Emerson continues for him. I groan and roll my eyes. "We are sorry but you are going to next Monday" Remington says. "I don't want to" I mumble. "Ivy I don't care if you want to or not, you are going to school" Sebastian says pulling out of the parking lot, heading for Target, most likely for school supplies.

We get out of the car and Sebastian grabs my hand so we can cross the street "I'm not 5 Sebastian" I mumble. " Well you aren't an adult either and you live in my house, what I say goes" He says, I roll my eyes and groan. "Hey little Zombie, we are going in a store, stop groaning" Emerson says flicking my ear. "In this house hold, we are only Vampires" Remington adds. I smile and nod, true. We look around and start picking things out, notebooks, pencils, pens, folders. Soon we head to the back for a backpack. "These are all too girly" I mumble. "Pick something" Sebastian says. I roll my eyes and grab a black backpack. He nods and we walk over to pay. Once we are done we go to the car and put the stuff away.

We drive back to the house. Once we get there, I grab my stuff and head upstairs. "Aren't gonna even say bye before you go hide in your room?!" Sebastian yells fro m down stairs. "Bye dad!" I yell and slam my door. Damn he annoys me. Not even a minute later, he runs in my room. He grabs me by my collar and looks me in the eye. "Do not scream at me young lady" he says getting closer to my face. He takes his hand away and walks out my door, slamming it behind him. Damn. What happened to the kind and loving Sebastian?

A few minutes later Remington and Emerson come into my room. They sit down on my bed "Sebastian has been really stressed out lately, mostly about the award show coming up, performing for the award show, raising you, putting you in school. He loves you but he is so scared of losing you" Emerson says grabbing my hand. "We love you Ivy and we are trying to calm him down the best we can" Remington says putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod and they pull me in for a hug.

After a while of sitting and talking we hear glass shatter downstairs. We all jump up and run downstairs. We run into the kitchen and Sebastian is leaning against the table, drinking. A bottle of Gin smashed on the floor. "Ivy stay out of the kitchen, don't step on the glass" Remington says pulling me out of the kitchen. Sebastian steps around the glass and walks out to the living room. I walk behind him. I put my hand on his back "Sebastian?" I say softly. He turns around and pushes me. "Get away from me little skank" I cover my mouth and run upstairs. I slam my bedroom door and lock it. How could he say that???

It's been an hour, laying in bed. Someone unlocks my door and walks in, closing in behind him. Remington sits in front of me and sighs. "I'm sorry he did that to you, you know he didn't mean it" He says softly. I roll over so I'm facing the wall. He stands up and moves me over a little. He climbs in bed and puts an arm over me. "Goodnight Ivy, everything will be alright" he says. I smile and fall asleep....

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