Chapter 35: Memories in a mirror

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I had a rude awakening. That being Remington yanking the covers off me and throwing a hoodie and some shoes at me. That's Remi alright, just wants to leave so someone will get him on a stage for an hour. Obviously, I pull the light blanket next to me over myself and cuddle back up. Until-

"Ivy I don't get paid to let my niece sleep in while a tour bus sits outside the house, let's actual take this show else where" he pulls the covers off me again, throwing them on my suitcase.

I groan, rolling out of bed and onto my feet. I slipped on the shoes he threw, then pulling the hoodie on. I slip the backpack over my shoulders, grabbing my suitcase and rolling it out to the living room. I set it next to the guys suitcases, throwing my bag down next to it. I pulled myself back up the stairs to grab my phone and blankets. Looking around the room to make sure I didn't leave anything, I sigh before closing my door for the last time for a while. I drag myself over to Emerson's room, where he is getting ready. It's 5 am, why the fuck is he getting dressed like this at this time in the morning. I looked down at my sweatpants and hoodie.

"Ah yes the homeless woman made her way into my room, didn't think she was actually awake" he laughs a little, buttoning up his shirt, throwing a vest over it.

"Haha very funny, yes Remington was impatient and threw my shoes at me" I roll my eyes, leaning in his door way.

Larisa came by me to tell me good morning. Hugging me, telling me she will miss me. I honestly might take up her offer on coming home early. I don't want to leave my mom alone at home while there is someone out there stalking me and my family. Whoever CTFG is, they are really getting to me. They knew they were, that's why they weren't afraid to give me a name. It seems to be initials that mean almost nothing. Brave person, but soon we will know the truth I'm sure.

I walked back downstairs, greeted with open arms from Sebastian. Telling me good morning and stuff. Daniel walked out of the guest room, just as dressed up as the rest of them. The only one slightly underdressed was him. A black shirt with tight black jeans and black velvet boots. A classic Daniel outfit. He stopped, laughed at my attire before rolling his suitcase to the front door. I really should have changed, the managers might even question why a homeless girl is on the bus. No I'm just too tired to look pretty, I may be Sebastians kid but I have the lazy ways of Emerson. The style of Remington, when I feel like being pretty.

Finally, everyone was done and ready to leave. I said goodbye to mom and my aunt Shy. Monica, did not bother to show up this early. I'm slowly starting to realize she doesn't seem to care much for us. This would explain why Emerson doesn't go near her much. He is a honest person. If he doesn't like you, then he doesn't like you and will make it very clear. If he likes you, he will show you all his love for you. That's my favorite part about him. He's not fake.

I followed Sebastian out to the front door, waiting for Remington. It's so early that it's still dark. I lean over on dad, sinking into his touch. Sebastian picks me up, telling me to go relax. After a while, they finally all were ready. I pulled all my stuff into the new bus, slightly bigger than the last one. I throw my stuff onto my bunk before getting off the bus to make sure we grabbed all the bags. Daniel threw a bag into my arms, asking me to put it in his bunk for him. After that, we were done and ready to start moving. I decided to climb into my bunk and fall asleep.


A few hours later and I was awoken to the boys playing music and talking. They are already bored it seems. I rolled over and out of my bunk, straightening my clothes out. I walk into the bathroom to splash water on my face. I look up to the sink, my eyes have deep lines underneath, showing the lack off proper sleep lately. My faded hair, the platinum fading out to my bleach blonde hair. I haven't taken care of myself much I guess. I splash water onto my face, then grabbing a towel to dry myself off. Looking back up in the mirror, I notice Blake standing behind me with a disappointed look on his face. I looked down to his arms, both full of wide open bleeding wounds, blood gushing down his arms and dripping off his hands. Terrified, I screamed and turned around. Only to see no one.

Within seconds, the boys came running in, Emerson and Sebastian filing into the small bathroom. They bend down to my figure, curled on the floor.

"Ivy?! What happened?? What's wrong??" Sebastian pulled me up into his arms, trying to calm me down. Stroking my hair, holding me tightly.

"I- I don't know- he just- I didn't mean to- I'm so sorry" I sobbed into his chest, hands coming into contact him my back, I gasp trying to pull away. I look up to see Emerson and Remington, standing back with their hands up.

Sebastian ended up taking me out to the living space to calm down. They decided they would ask what was wrong once I calm down. Blake, standing behind me, the way he last looked when I found him in his bathroom. It was the scariest night of my life and I don't think I will EVER be okay after that. He seems fine in my dreams..I don't know why he looked like that behind me in the mirror.


Blake hasn't texted me or Allison all day. Which is weird cause we text everyday and call every night. I decided I would go over to his house, to make sure he was okay. It's the only way to check on him now I guess. I ringed the door bell, waiting for someone to answer.

"Hi Ivy! Blake should be in his room. He's been there all day" his mom opened the door for me more, inviting me inside

I knocked on his bedroom door first "Blake? Hey are you okay in there? You haven't texted us all day and we are really worried" but he didn't answer me still.

I pushed his door open to only see that he wasn't in his room. It was dark, no Blake to be seen though. I walked over to his bed to see multiple notes scattered on his bed. I picked them up..







My heart stopped, my skin crawled with goosebumps. I couldn't move at all. I turned slowly towards his bathroom door. The light was on. I walked slowly to the door, hands shaking while reaching the knob. I yanked the door open to only freeze. Blake was in the bath tub, in his clothes, blood gushing all down his arms and dripping to the floor. I broke in that moment. Crumbling to the floor and all I could do is scream. A blood curdling scream that could be heard through the neighborhood. Soon followed by more screams and sirens.

Dear Ivy, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that it had to end this way but I couldn't anymore. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you or get help. But I was hurting. You couldn't have stopped me anyways so please don't blame yourself. This is not your fault. Please make sure Ryan and Allison get their notes. Anyways, I love you Ivy and I always have. Though I am not around anymore by the time you see this, I just wanted you to know that I love you. I'm sorry I won't be able to be with you when you make all your dreams come true but I will be there in spirit. I will always be by your side. Please remember to finish Basements and make sure it goes viral for me. Please remember me. Though I can't stay, I will always stay in your heart. I love you Ivy Amore. Forever and always, Ma Chérie.


Basements may never be played..or finished. Allison lost contact with me after his death. She didn't want anything to do with me. She blamed his death on me saying I should have gotten there sooner. Since I lost contact with my best friend and my bassist, I slowly drifted apart from our drummer, Ryan. He was in the middle of it all but clearly just as sad as all of us. He didn't talk much after that. To anyone. You could still hear him beating on his drums from the garage and if you listened close enough you could hear a soft sob, then more drum beats. My clique was destroyed after all of that.

"Do you want to talk about what happened??" Remington asks, breaking the cold silence in the room full of concerned people.

I softly shake my head no before getting up to go get my phone. I pull up my notes and scroll before I find the one titled 'Basements'. It felt almost wrong looking at it after so long. Guilty for never finishing it. I open the note, time to finish what we started. Here we go, Basements.

Well hi! Hope everyone enjoyed the somewhat short chapter. I'm sorry if it's too short, I really wanted to put out some content about some of her past. I think I did really good and I'm proud of it. I love you all so much, see you soon <3

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