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(Y/N): I can't sense her energy anywhere.

Trunks: We'll find her.

Bulma: Whatever it takes.

《Vegeta rolls up in a wheel chair》

Vegeta: Why are we acting like Penelope is dead!?! She's not! All we have to do is find her. Stop this shit! We have the dragon balls, right? As long as we have the dragon balls, we can bring everyone back, isn't that right? [GROWLING.] So stop this shit. We're warriors, get it together.

Bulma: We can't get them back. Dende is in super bad shape, we don't know if he'll make it.

(Y/N): Is this some kind of joke Vegeta? Where do you get off pretending to be the victim? You're wallowing in self-pity? You're not a warrior. You're just a murderer. Psychotic mass-murderer who snuffed out the lives of countless people that never did you any wrong.

Vegeta: Don't you think I'm aware of that fact? I don't need you shoving it down my goddamn throat!

(Y/N): Then stop acting like you've got any right to feel sorry for yourself! We're living in a hell you created! Are you proud of yourself? You're not one of us! You've never been! You're not even human anymore!

Vegeta: You want an apology? Is that what you hope to get out of calling me a murderer? Want me to feel bad? Want me to take the blame? Who are you talking to? They're dead! But hey, if screaming does it for ya, go ahead and scream your goddamn head off!


(Y/N): I should've been there, her sacrifice was in vein. I couldn't even save Penelope

《 In a burst of anger, trunks grabs a bench and hurls it clear across the lake. His anger spent, he turns to the others with a resigned look on his face》

Trunks: Bulla's not coming back. We have to make it worth it. We have to.

Piccolo: We will

[ 1 month later...]

《 Cut to Cumber putting a collar on Penelope and shocking her》

Cumber Do not say these words, thoughtlessly, desire becomes surrender and surrender becomes...

《 Penelope spits bloods in cumber's face》

Penelope: Fuck you!

《 Cumber shocks her again, Penelope screams》

Cumber: What does surrender become?!

Penelope: POWER!

Cumber: You are almost ready, but you lack discipline. When I found you. You were small, weak, pathetic, but now you're more. Soon you'll be ready..

Penelope: No, father let me prove myself, I'll take over a planet in the Saiyan name.

《 Cumber hesitates 》

Cumber: Take over the earth and when you are done I will come for my great prize.

Penelope: I will not fail you Father

Cumber: No you will not, Ginge.

To be continued.....

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