Newton's 3rd Law

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《 Back at base Trunks explains how he got there. 》

Trunks: So I was in other world training what King Kai, when I got the wedding invitation, but I know (Y/N) so I knew he was in trouble. I hauled ass to hell and was stopped at the gate by Foo.

Foo: "Bravo. It would seem your reputation doesn't do you justice."

Cumber: "Earth's most puissant warrior?"

Trunks: "That's what he called me."

Ginge: "You're tellin' me he abducted you  before this because he thought you single handedly could stop them."

Trunks: Yeah.

Cumber: "That's so fucking awesome."

Ginge: "You realize that means Foo's more afraid of him than you, right?"

Cumber: "Shit."

Uub: Trunks, go back to the part about the meat shield."

Trunks: "Guys, don't take this the wrong way...but I've spent years living in the past. I'm ready for the future."

Rachel: "Good. Because if we're going to pull off Raditz's plan, we're going to need all the help we can get."

《 2 days later》

Uub: "I'm not late to the briefing am I?"

Ginge: "We haven't started yet, I'm waiting on Cumber."

Uub: "I still feel bad about punching him in the face."

Ginge: "He'll get over it."

Uub: "Or he'll kill me in my sleep."

Ginge: "That's always a possibility too."

Trunks: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, guys. Can we just get to the best part already?"

Rachel: "We got a problem!"

Trunks: "Nooooooow we're talking..."

Raditz: "What's up?"

Rachel: "They're  coming!"

Uun: "Here?!"

Penelope: "That's probably why he said it's a problem."

Trunks: "Alright, let's take cover we should be able to ambush them."

Penelope: "Not so sure about that."

《 They look on the security feed and see a whole army at the door step. Before they could react everyone gets hit on the head by Cumber. They all fall to the ground and Cumber grabs Rachel. Soon after that they wake up. 》

Trunks:  Penelope, what the fuck are you doing?

Penelope: The demons aren't here!"

Trunks: "What?"

Penelope: "We were set up, they got Rachel.

Penelope: "I woke up, Ginge was out cold, the proximity alarm is screaming, and Uub, Raditz, and Launch are gone."

Trunks: "They kidnapped Raditz too!?"

《 Ginge wakes up 》

Ginge: "And left us sleeping so we'd get picked off.

Trunks: "Too bad for them we're awake."

《 Trunks looks at the security cameras and sees that to army is gone and uub wakes up.》

Trunks: "GODDAMN IT!"

Uub: "What happened?"

Trunks: Cumber must've fucked us."

Uub: "I knew it! He had it out for me since jump.

Ginge: "I can't believe Raditz had us think I actually thought of him as my grandfather.

Uub: Radtiz's probably been working this angle for a while...hell, he might have even been the one who tipped off Foo about Trunks."

Trunks: "Doubt it."

《 Trunks opens a closet and Raditz and Launch falls out. 》

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