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《 (Y/N) arrives to where Fortune teller baba is, and gets finds her pruning apple trees. 》

(Y/N): Apples, right?

Baba: Eventually.

(Y/N): Smells...

Baba: Sweet.

(Y/N): I was gonna say real.

Baba: It's all very real. Thanks. I put the magic behind me.

(Y/N): So I can see.

Baba: Well, I knew sooner or later you'd... show up, wanting to discuss what happens next.

(Y/N): No, not what happens next

Baba: Then what are you here for?

(Y/N): I need your help.

Baba: With what?

(Y/N): What do you know about the Multiverse?

Baba: The Multiverse. I've had some theories. I believe it is real. And, dangerous.

(Y/N): Well, you were right about both. We have a girl... my daughter and a boy. Both have a future father and past mother. And they are being pursued.

Baba: Pursued by who?

(Y/N): A demon. One that covets his power for himself. Now thier missing, and i dont know where they are. I can't sense them.

Baba: There are Z fighters for this type of thing.

(Y/N): Yeah, but given a choice between the Goku, Vegeta, or... One of the most powerful magic wielders on the planet, it's an easy call. Help me, please.

Baba: What if i brought Rachel and Boxer here? I'll keep them safe

(Y/N): Here?

《 (Y/N) stops walks as he just realized something. 》

Baba: Yeah. I know what it's like. To be on your own, hunted for abilities you never wanted. I can protect them..........You never told me their names, did you?

(Y/N): No. No, I didn't.

Baba: You know, the Hex was the easy part. The lying, not so much.

《 Baba takes down a magical illusion that reveals the real farm she was living on was a barren wasteland. She changes her body to her original form to reveal that she is none other the Bulla holding the Book of the Dead. 》

(Y/N): Bulla....how did you get that book?

Bulla: You've heard of the Necronomicon?

(Y/N): I know it's the Book of the Dead. And that it corrupts everything and everyone that it touches. I wonder what it's done to you.

Bulla: The Necronomicon only showed me the truth. Everything I lost... can be mine again. You can be mine again.

(Y/N): What do you want with Rachel and Boxer? What do you want with the Multiverse?

Bulla: It's not what i want. it's whatever Foo wants. He is the Demon King.

(Y/N): Why are you doing this?

Bulla: i dont have a choice. If you knew... there was a chance, where you were happy, wouldn't you take it?

(Y/N): I am happy.

Bulla: No, you're not.

(Y/N): What you're doing is a flagrant violation of every natural law. If you take those children's power, they won't survive.

Bulla: I don't relish hurting anyone. But their not children, their paradoxes, anomalies, not meant to be alive..thier supernatural beings. Such raw power could wreak havoc on this and other universes and timelines. Their sacrifice would be for the greater good.

(Y/N): That's the kind of justification our enemies use.

Bulla: Is it the one you use? When you slaughtered thousands of humans to try and save our daughter's life? When you killed Goten? When you killed your brother?

(Y/N): That was war! and I did what I had to do

Bulla: You break the rules and become a hero. We do it, and we become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair.

(Y/N): What happens now?

Bulla: Go home, we'll find the children soon enough. After that... You'll never hear from us again.

(Y/N): And if i don't?

Bulla: Then it won't be me who comes for her. It will be the Demon King.

《 A portal appears right before Bulla and Foo slowly walk out. 》

Foo: Y'know you're an interesting man (Y/N). You're a Z fighter, one of the strongest beings in the universe. You have kids that you've lost a lot of time with. I lost something too, we can help each other with that.

(Y/N): Who are you really Foo?

Foo: I'm the man that can give you the one thing you want.

(Y/N): What's that?

Foo: Time......Let me make this easy for you, you will bring them to me or everything you call life....will end. I will kill your daughter in front of you, then make you relive that moment, over and over again in time, endlessly, until you beg me to kill you. Do we understand?

(Y/N): No.

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