Forbidden Lovers

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《 (Y/N), Becca, Jason and Rachel enjoy thier picnic. 》

(Y/N): I should be heading home now, I'm mostly healed up.

Jason: You should stay one more day just to make sure everything is fine.

《 Just them Whis and Gang arrive. 》

21: (Y/N)!

《 (Y/N) immediately hugs 21. 》

(Y/N): What are you doing here? Where's Uub? Why's Goku here? And what's with the cat?


(Y/N): I'm sorry Lord, sir!

21: (Y/N) some bad guys are after you....the...they killed Marron.

《 Whis looks at Rachel, then begins to stare. 》

Whis: I know you, you're the daughter of the Demon Queen Xiira. What are you doing in the mortal realm?

(Y/N): Xiira? The demon queen?.....Rachel?

Rachel: I can explain!

(Y/N): You've been lying to us this whole time?

Rachel: Yes but I ran away so



《 (Y/N) takes a step back 》

(Y/N): Don't say that.

21: (Y/N)!

Jason: It's true...her DNA matches yours.

21: When did this happen?

(Y/N): 13 years ago while I was out searching for Penelope so I decide to find King Kai. On my way to his planet I fell off snake way, and fell right into Hell and as unable to move. That's when Xiira took me in and nursed me to health.

Lord Beerus: Where's the part where you conceived the child?

(Y/N): While I was getting a routine bath, she kinda liked what she saw and went for it. I was unable to pull out. When I finally gained enough energy I ran away and she followed me.

《 Flashback》

《 (Y/N) is speeding away in a car but Xiira catches up to him on a motorcycle. She passes him up and stops right in front of him making him stop. 》

(Y/N): You are incredibly annoying.

Xiira: You're not leaving me!

(Y/N): You're a pain in the ass.

Xiira: I've done everything for you and you repay me by running away! I love you, just accept me!

(Y/N): Me and you are nothing, never meant to exist, I thank you for helping me. But I need to go.

Xiira: Just let me in, I promise I won't hurt you, just let me in!

(Y/N): You promise? Do you hear yourself lady?

《 A guy pulls up behind them and gets out of his truck. 》

Guy: Hey dick face, mind screaming at your bitch somewhere else!?

《 Xiira walks up to the man and rips his head off. Then she holds her claws up to (Y/N)'s neck.》

(Y/N): Don't hurt me.

Xiira: Are you serious?!

(Y/N): Do it then. Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it.

Xiira: No

(Y/N) My heart scares you huh?

《 Xiira pulls back and lets him go 》

(Y/N): I have my own family to get to, my daughter needs me.

《 (Y/N) gets back in the car and leaves. 》

Xiira: But i need you...

《 Xiira looks at her tummy 》

Xiira: We need you...

《 End of Flashback 》

《 A portal opens up and The Demon Queen herself walks out. 》

Xiira: Hello, My Beloved.

(Y/N): Stay away from me you crazy bitch!

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(Y/N): Stay away from me you crazy bitch!

Xiira: Isn't she wonderful, our daughter? We made her that night y'know. That night of passionate loving making.

《 Xiira gets closer and closer to (Y/N) but he can't move.》

Rachel: She's put him under paralysis, this is my fault.

Xiira: Thank you daughter for reuniting me with my beloved. Now i have no use for you anymore.

Rachel: Mother....

《 Xiira starts putting (Y/N) under a trance 》

Xiira: Question... Would you die for me?

(Y/N): No

Xiira: That's too easy. Would you... Would you live for me? Hmm?

《 Goku and Vegeta try to and attack but realizes that thier all under paralysis, (Y/N) eyes begin to glow red as Xiira takes him hostage. 》

Xiira: Do you want this?

(Y/N): I do.

Xiira: Say it. Say it. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty...

(Y/N): Please?

Xiira: [impressed] Aw! God, you're so... good.

《 Xiira take (Y/N) through the portal with her and it closes, Rachel starts to cry and 21 goes to comfort her. 》

21: I don't care where your from, if you're (Y/N)'s daughter then you're my daughter too.

Vegeta: (Y/N) has another hellspawn is she gonna try to kill us too?

Goku: Vegeta that's not nice.

Bulma: Yea seriously.

Vegeta: I'm just stating the obvious, I'm tired of dealing with this family nonsense. My only granddaughter tried to murder millions, I'm both proud and terrified of that happening again. As King it is my duty to watch and protect the sayain race.

21: Goku can you bring Uub here please?

Goku: Sure

《 Goku uses instant transmission to grab Uub. When he pops back Uub is standing in nothing but his Great Saiya Man boxers. 》

Uub: Umm...hi

《 Whis magics him up some clothes while 21 gets him up to speed. 》

Uub: I'm going through alot right now.

Vegeta: Fuck this! Bulma can you get us to Planet Vegeta I'm throwing this problem on someone else.

Goku: wouldn't. He doesn't want to be bothered.

Vegeta: We neither do I but this is your brother's family, his mess!

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